Hello, I just reopened my site after several months absence and I'd like some style reviews. I have five custom styles, four of which are just color variations of the main style. Feel free to review as many, or as few, as you wish. Thanks!
nice site, the colour scheme works well, the header is magnificent. all around good work, i like what you done with the cellspacing and borders there-in, but not sure it'd be my preference, all round i have nothing to fault, future vBoTM there
nice site, the colour scheme works well, the header is magnificent. all around good work, i like what you done with the cellspacing and borders there-in, but not sure it'd be my preference, all round i have nothing to fault, future vBoTM there
nice design... however... your site seems to load slow... maybe i'm trying on a peak hour (7pm central time) or something... because it is slow and i'm on cable..
nice design... however... your site seems to load slow... maybe i'm trying on a peak hour (7pm central time) or something... because it is slow and i'm on cable..
Yes, it is a tad slow because my dsl hasn't been upgraded to 768 yet. I will be doing that soon though. Thanks for the comments guys!
Loads right up for me, fantastic work on the site too!
Thanks eric! Your isn't too bad either. Looks like we both tried something different with borders. And I'm a guitarist of almost 20 years too! Kisses Strat...
Thanks eric! Your isn't too bad either. Looks like we both tried something different with borders. And I'm a guitarist of almost 20 years too! Kisses Strat...
Thanks, my style is compliments of Zachery, he has all of his posted up over at vbulletintemplates and the new logo is on it's way by tomorrow. Your design is really something man, I wish I had the time and skill to pull that off.