Version: , by sv1cec
Developer Last Online: Mar 2022
Version: Unknown
Released: 02-01-2005
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
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When a warning is issued, would it be possible to send a post to a designated forum or a reply to a post ID?
I know this sounds like duplication of effort since the mod panel holds this data, but it gives a much easier alert to moderating activity for the team.
When a warning is issued, would it be possible to send a post to a designated forum or a reply to a post ID?
I know this sounds like duplication of effort since the mod panel holds this data, but it gives a much easier alert to moderating activity for the team.
Let me understand that, a moderator warns a user for one of his posts. The warned person receives a PM saying that he was warned. The post that received the warning, gets a big red sign on it, so every admin/supermod/moderator knows that this post has received a warning. What more do you want? You want a post in a special forum, which says what? Please be more specific.
It was a suggestion not a criticism sir Suggestion = more.
We presently make a post to say that we have done such and such so peple are aware without having to view each and every post...What I was suggesting is that if you have a forum for moderators (I assume most sites do) that you can specify this forum or a sub forum to essentially alert the team to activity. I'm just suggesting it as a belt and braces feature.
As to what detail, just a simple post with User <name> received warning for <type>. Just a simple heads up aloerting for moderators not glued to there console or every post...
What you have is brilliant as it stands.
An option to exclude a certain or multiple forums from the obscenity check has also been suggested to me aswell, eg a lounge / free disscussion area.
No problem, I didn't take it as criticism, I was just trying to understand what you are saying. I think that I could implement such a thing, but wouldn't it be simpler if mods could see the whole moderator log? At the moment, each of the mods can see the warnings each one has issued. What if they could see the whole list? In that case, there would be no reason for a special forum, unless of course this is something you do already. For example, my instructions to my mods, is when they delete a post, to not actually delete it, but move it to a specific forum. Let me know what you want, so we can find the best way to do it.
What I do not understand, is the " Σ ", in the templates. Can you please give me an example?Tnx
here... i don'T know what is the result tag, but it is written in old Windows style, not html tag...
HTML Code:
<if condition="$post[userid]==$bbuserinfo[userid] AND $post[usergroupid]!=6 AND $post[warning_level]>0"><a href='warn.php?do=ViewMyWarnings'>View your Warnings</a> ∑
It's mainly so that a thread or post in the moderators area shows up when they do new post or daily posts...I agree the postbit is fine and enough.
It's really another layer of communication that alerts other mods that somthing has happened. It's only somthing quick and clean, the ultimate reference is the log.
Perhaps better then if just a reply to a post?
I use the same process of soft deleting or moving threads to an inspection room, this serves as above in a funny sort of way. If a mod feels the need they make apost stating what was done and why in the moderating forum.
We don't really see alot of moderation on our site; just shy of 5k users in total, so when moderating is done it can go un-noticed by other moderators who don't check the logs as part of there routine, unless flagged as above.
So in summary it's somthing that essentially adds a log/alert system but in the forums normal environment/view so as to prinicpally alert mods to activity that may or may not need assistance. Perhaps extend that with a minimum trigger level so only events where points 2+ counted and generated a user x has been warned for <offence> post. ..
It's mainly so that a thread or post in the moderators area shows up when they do new post or daily posts...I agree the postbit is fine and enough.
It's really another layer of communication that alerts other mods that somthing has happened. It's only somthing quick and clean, the ultimate reference is the log.
Perhaps better then if just a reply to a post?
I use the same process of soft deleting or moving threads to an inspection room, this serves as above in a funny sort of way. If a mod feels the need they make apost stating what was done and why in the moderating forum.
We don't really see alot of moderation on our site; just shy of 5k users in total, so when moderating is done it can go un-noticed by other moderators who don't check the logs as part of there routine, unless flagged as above.
So in summary it's somthing that essentially adds a log/alert system but in the forums normal environment/view so as to prinicpally alert mods to activity that may or may not need assistance. Perhaps extend that with a minimum trigger level so only events where points 2+ counted and generated a user x has been warned for <offence> post. ..
This is another whole level you are asking here. Not that it can't be done, but it's quite complicated, maybe later, at the moment, Nexialys put me to work.
Originally Posted by nexialys
here... i don'T know what is the result tag, but it is written in old Windows style, not html tag...
HTML Code:
<if condition="$post[userid]==$bbuserinfo[userid] AND $post[usergroupid]!=6 AND $post[warning_level]>0"><a href='warn.php?do=ViewMyWarnings'>View your Warnings</a> ∑
I still do not understand what you mean by "it is written in old Windows style, not html tag". Could you please show me how the above example should be coded, with html tags?