this seems so obvious but really isn't stated enough, after a week of straight coding, it finally got to friday and i've lived in pubs and bars for the weekend releiving all remnants of stress from coding/hacking.
I need music, pizza, and juice. I find that if I start coding with beer around me, I eventually lose train of thought and end up royaly screwing up what I've already done. Pop gives me high and then brings me back down to where I eventually get to tired to stay up anymore. Juice is the only thing that keeps me at an easy medium with frequent, but nice breaks to the bathroom.
I need my music, pepsi, and a bag of patato chips when im coding. Having something to munch on helps time go by quicker, and I need to gain some pounds anyway .
A cig every now and again helps me relax for a few minutes and while im doing that I take a look back over what I just coded. Of course a blunt afterwards to reflect on the entire project, and help sleep come easier after a night of drinking alot of caffine
I need my music, pepsi, and a bag of patato chips when im coding. Having something to munch on helps time go by quicker, and I need to gain some pounds anyway .
A cig every now and again helps me relax for a few minutes and while im doing that I take a look back over what I just coded. Of course a blunt afterwards to reflect on the entire project, and help sleep come easier after a night of drinking alot of caffine
lol @ you and smoking although saying that, smoking makes you 8-11 times more creative, i know i'm a better coding after having smoked something.