Version: , by (Guest)
Developer Last Online: Jan 1970
Version: Unknown
Released: 01-23-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
At - I have newspro set up on my site with vbulletin as the forums.
I've seen Ratorasniki's hack for newspro and vbulletin, which is really cool and I'm looking to add couple of features, or if I have to work on coding them myself, I would love a good point in the right direction.
Basically, I would like to be able to post a news item, it being under a certain category (as you can see on my site, I have categories for news posts), and for the news topic to post in the forums along with the content from the topic, where people can comment on there.
Not only that, but it will also read from the forums and say something in the news topic on the main page like, "X comments" - x being the number of comments on that news post in vbulletin.
That, and the category thing, is my main concern. Any good news programs out there that can do this for me?
im working on a new version of the newspro+vb integration thang that does most of what you want. i dont have the # of comments thing down just yet, but im working on it =D
in the meantime you can make a script like this, and plop it in your vb dir:
//Newspro link to vB forum thread finder
$title="News: ".$subject;
//echo "$title";
$threads = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid FROM thread WHERE title='".addslashes($title)."'");
while ($thread = $DB_site->fetch_array($threads)) {
//echo "$thread[0]";
//echo "<a href=$url>test</a>";
header("Location: $url");
obviously if you use a prefix other then News: you'll have to change that part, and adjust the links to showthread.php and nocomment.shtml (or whatever you want to take them back to if theres no comment thread)
theres some problems with it (like it selects the last thread to be posted w/ that name, so if you have 2 identically titled news posts that you want active comment threads for you're SOL for now) but it works nicely for me
also, so far as only doing it for each category, in newspro set your category in question to use a different doHTML subroutine, and then copy your current doHTML, name it what you told the category to use, and add something like
wherever you want for a Comments link. again, use your link to your script, but that should work (except for the number of comments, but as i said i havent really figured how to go about that yet)
Actually I was looking for BFC_WEBLOG. I am a Alpha Tester for NewsPro (now named Coranto) and suggest you wait on the integration with vb as the coding has been redone from the ground up. There is nothing code wise from version 3.7.5 or earlier in Coranto!