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Old 06-27-2004, 08:08 PM
Vman Vman is offline
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Default Why Is This!!!

Maybe someone can explain to me why a Coder would make a program/Hack to use then not support the work they created....I mean its like buying a car from a dealership and they will not provide a service if it breaks down, So why would someone want to download a program, that a coder was proud of, then not provide support for this...

Im asking because Im sick and tired of always downloading hack that the Coder claims they work, then they don't, then they don't provide support for it, then you as a webmaster has to spend hours to revert the hack...

IMHO I would have a set of rules to have for the site that if a coder uploads a hack, they need to support it, I mean if you were to go thru all the threads on any hack, you would see that alot of coders don't support their creations!!! so why promote it then!

I would say atleast 80% plus of webmaster of sites don't know programing from right to left and they come here to download a product that should work without problems, then out of the blue, no support!!!...that is just a waste of time and "Money" for some site....

Im not trying to be out line on this, but I really feel there needs to be a set of standards a site like this needs to enforce, which will show to the members who register or buy the product of vB that they will get the best of the best for their sites!!!

Just my 2 cents! :disappointed:
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Old 06-27-2004, 08:15 PM
Karthick Karthick is offline
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Originally Posted by BBCVman
Maybe someone can explain to me why a Coder would make a program/Hack to use then not support the work they created....I mean its like buying a car from a dealership and they will not provide a service if it breaks down, So why would someone want to download a program, that a coder was proud of, then not provide support for this...

Im asking because Im sick and tired of always downloading hack that the Coder claims they work, then they don't, then they don't provide support for it, then you as a webmaster has to spend hours to revert the hack...

IMHO I would have a set of rules to have for the site that if a coder uploads a hack, they need to support it, I mean if you were to go thru all the threads on any hack, you would see that alot of coders don't support their creations!!! so why promote it then!

I would say atleast 80% plus of webmaster of sites don't know programing from right to left and they come here to download a product that should work without problems, then out of the blue, no support!!!...that is just a waste of time and "Money" for some site....

Im not trying to be out line on this, but I really feel there needs to be a set of standards a site like this needs to enforce, which will show to the members who register or buy the product of vB that they will get the best of the best for their sites!!!

Just my 2 cents! :disappointed:
Not even two cents.

What you pay for is vB not the hacks, vB.org can't force people to provide support because the coders are providing FREE hacks.

I have written 5 hacks so far, which are quite large and are directed towards chess sites, but I sell them, and provide support. If you want support that badly then you will probably be better off posting in the request section and paying the coder for their work.
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Old 06-27-2004, 09:25 PM
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Keep in mind that the hacks released here are not a "product" at all. Most of them are just add-ons that the coder (who is nothing more than a webmaster like yourself) created for his own site and then out of kindness released it here for others to use for free. Most of us work full time jobs or are in school plus we also have websites of our own to maintain.. So we can't spend every minute of our spare time supporting hacks.
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Old 06-28-2004, 02:34 AM
Vman Vman is offline
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Im sorry, I said it the wrong way I guess...I do somewhat understand and I do understand what you guys are saying. I was just venting on some issues on some great hacks which have no on going support after you install them....

Again, Im sorry If I came across the wrong way....


P.S. I also wouls like to thank you guys for the work you do do!!!!!! It is awsome for people like you (Coders) who do spent time to make such hacks...Hell If I knew how to do it, I would and then I would be in the same shoes are you guys!!!..Again Thanks for the hack...I was just venting...
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