Request: Hack to save all admincp settings in XML file
Apparently the way vb3 is now, even when DEBUG is turned on and you tell it to save control panel settings to an XML file, it only saves the defaults. I don't know what good this would possibly do somebody. Would be much better if you could save all the settings that you spend hours putting in there such as user group permissions, ranks, etc, into an XML file to reload if needed.
Yeah I know, I'm quite surprized it isn't a build in feature on the first release. Seems like a hole in the design. I mean if you are going to have a feature that saves the defaults to an XML file (pretty useless) it would seem like an easy addition to save custom settings.
It isn't useless. It was mostly meant for the developer's use, and if you like adding 5 billion settings, it can be useful as well.
like when we want to add a hack instead of having to give you guys an installer we could just give you an XML file to import, granted it didnt reset all of your settings itd be nice :P
like when we want to add a hack instead of having to give you guys an installer we could just give you an XML file to import, granted it didnt reset all of your settings itd be nice :P
That's how the Hack Tracking Log works
I've reported the AdminCP's export-to-XML-uses-vb's-original-settings-not-yours issue as a bug on but they've flagged it for a future version. Their first answer was that it was a developer option and wasn't meant to be used by us, but as is clear, a board admin doesn't need to be a maker/user of hacks in order to have a distinguishable use for XML export/import functionality of their settings.
Anyway, since still hasn't fixed this bug (which it is, imo), I've made the functionality myself and put it into the Hack Tracking Log. Additionally, the HTL also gives you the option to export / import the vBulletin options entirely, but using your adjusted settings, as opposed to the vB3 core settings.
So I guess I've made this modification request already
I'm trying to get all XML-related issues finished today. After that it's (mostly) only the uninstall bits and the documentation that remain. Depending on whether today proves to be a good day for the HTL or not (it's already a disaster for me, personally) will the HTL be finished and released in less than 10 days. If today is not a good day, it'll be end of January or possibly the first week of February, unless I decide to add some major change in the design of the HTL (which is possible, but I will probably save it for a 1.1 version instead) cos then it'll be even later.