After spending lots of time customising my own board into a full site, I'd be interested in seeing what other people have come up with. Are there any other really customised/hacked boards that hardly resemble vB, but are based on the engine?
Well I wouldn't say mine doesn't resemble vB since most everything was written to look like and tie in with the forums, but my entire site is pretty much based around and reliant on vBulletin. If you take a look at the homepage, photography section, music, local talent, links, and etc, they are all custom scripts written around vBulletin.
it looks like its based on photopost - but iwould love to know how you have got it intergrated into the board like that - I have searched the photopost board and can't find anythng like it.....
Yes, that's PhotoPost. They don't allow us to remove the copyright from any of their programs, Tigga. (Sorry.)
All copyright notices used throughout the program, within the scripts and within the HTML that the scripts generate, MUST remain intact. Furthermore, these notices, including "powered by" wording that appears online, must remain visible to the human eye.
Today at 02:51 PM iggy123 said this in Post #4 it looks like its based on photopost - but iwould love to know how you have got it intergrated into the board like that - I have searched the photopost board and can't find anythng like it.....
Most of the integration is part of the config settings you define when you set it up, iggy123. They have a vBulletin section in the config script that has coding you can turn on or off to link everything to vBulletin.... header, footer, viewing permissions, member list, etc. In our case, we've also done this with a portal add-on.
You can also use a couple of thumbincluder scripts that let's you display photopost pics/links on other pages. We're using this to show latest uploads, random images, and most viewed on our home page.
Today at 07:31 PM Talisman said this in Post #6 Yes, that's PhotoPost. They don't allow us to remove the copyright from any of their programs, Tigga. (Sorry.)
No, that is not PhotoPost. The script is written from scratch to be completely integrated with vBulletin, but I did get a few ideas from PhotoPost.