This hack will stay beta until I find it totally complete to be a full release.
And when it will become a release it would surely be the last version.
This hack allows you to had a page where you could put the list of a things with
a status. Each item can be updated.
It could be really useful for example if you'd like to show your member the hacks
you have installed on the board, their status and a brief description, or for example
to list some objecs you have. It coul also be used to list server and to show their status.
I know this hack is not coded like some would like it but it's my coding way so
if you don't like just don't take it !
The status which is a dropdown contains 5 fields and for the moment you can't add or remove one (sorry but it will come)
News since the first version:
- The link to add an item is shown only to the allowed members
- Their is now a new input field in case people who add items want to put a link
- The dropdown status condition are now stored when they are changed so that people
can see the past status of the item.
- I had try to do the design a little bit more easy to personnalize but I know it is
really really what you should expect
To-Do list:
- Change the design of the History of the past conditions so that it looks more
- Code a system of graph of how many times each condition has been used
- Change the way the date are done so that it takes automatically the actual one without
the need to enter it
- Try to use the database to store the history rather than files
- Optionnal: Something to let people put attachments (asked by a member here)
- Possibility to add or remove some of the field in the dropdown box
Enjoy =)
I forget something: go in the template headinclude and put at the end:
function PopupCentrer(page,largeur,hauteur,options) {
var top=(screen.height-hauteur)/2;
var left=(screen.width-largeur)/2;,"","top="+top+",left="+left+",wid th="+largeur+",height="+hauteur+","+options);
For those who have already installed the beta 1.0 you need to add a field called links in the table condtiontrail in your database, type varcahr(50). And to upload all the files , but only the edittrail and th e addtrail need to be changed)
For all suggestions, bug, request of new feature or problem mail-me at
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this is like an extra page.
It let the webmaster of the forum to add a page where there is a list of items with condition. Those condition are personnalisable so as people can set it as they want to use it. Like list of film and the state of them (unavailable,available, ...) or everything else that you could want
I originally requested this hack, and meteore was really cool about offering his expertise.
I run a web site for a large mountain biking organization in Minnesota. Due to the muddy conditions we can sometimes have with rain (or spring and winter conditions) - we have the need to post trail conditions to our fellow bikers. This helps us keep riders off the trails when they are wet - warn people not to drive long distances only to find a muddy trail etc.
The more I thought about my "special" need, the more I felt there was room for other systems to use this... a few examples might be things like information services use (system outages/status) - snowmobile or ski conditions... surfing (?) - anything that requires a "one page" view of the status of a number of different items..
You can get real creative with this kind of hack, our use was very specific and I thank meteore for his efforts. I'm clicking install - you can come see it in action on my site - I'll post a link soon.
lol.. at first I couldn't figure out what the hell this hack was referring to.
I saw condition, and was thinking in terms of IF-THEN conditions, but I saw "trail" and thought you were referring to some complex PHP term for a variable type or something.
Recommendation: in the future, always follow vB's default way of modeling tables so you don't have to edit the templates to get them to work in custom styles.