For those of you familiar with PHP Nuke I could use a little help adapting a current hack to work with my web site setup. In
this thread there is a hack to bridge the user accounts between PHP Nuke and vBulletin. After reading through the thread I came to find out that it won?t work with the current version of PHP Nuke, version 6, witch is what I?m running on my web site.
Now I have experience in web design and I know a little bit of php (Enough to edit files here and there) but I have no clue how I might make this hack work with my setup. I?m running PHP Nuke version 6 and vBulletin 2.2.9 and I?d like to link the user accounts between the two scripts so that people do not have to register twice between the main site and the forums. If someone with some experience out there can help me update
this hack to work with PHP Nuke 6 it would be greatly appreciated. I already made a small request on this same subject in the hacking request forum but no one has replied so I figured I would go into a little more detail here in hopes that someone can help me out. Thanks for your time.