I'm no programmer, but I don't see why vb.org allows only file and not template hacks. I don't know what vb.org's main purpose is, but I see it as a place where I can come and get nifty improvements for my board. There are some template edits out there that do just that. Enlighten me?
Ok, but why? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make trouble. But users are goal oriented, and when since template edits and hacks seem to fall under the 'VB improvements' category, I don't see why they're seperate. Forcing users to roam both forums is kinda strange.
Originally posted by FireFly Graphics and templates forum will soon be opened on this site... very soon.
Don't you think that might confuse people as to what is considered acceptable customization that will not throw a board into Jelsoft's "we can't support hacked boards" category?
Originally posted by samtha25 Don't you think that might confuse people as to what is considered acceptable customization that will not throw a board into Jelsoft's "we can't support hacked boards" category?
Template changes are not considered hacks at all, so I don't see any reason for confusion.