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Old 03-10-2017, 06:22 AM
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Default Feedback - Personal Opinion - Isn't vBulletin.org long overdue for a site-wide update?

Hey this is just a personal opinion of mine.

I'd like to comment that while vbulletin.org being on vbulletin 3 gets the job done just the same it seems as if it deserves at least some type of update. Whether it be something small like a style change or upgraded to vbulletin 4 at least. To be honest I think it should be on vBulletin 5 with it's own unique style.

Just seems as if it's been on vbulletin 3 for as long as I can remember and you would think that as time goes by people wonder why it's not updated at least in some form.
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Old 03-10-2017, 07:42 AM
Mark.B Mark.B is offline
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Been discussed multiple times. It's not going to happen.

The aim of this forum is not to showcase new versions. That's the job of vbulletin.com.

The instance of vB3 used here is heavily customised by volunteers. Who's going to spend the huge numbers of unpaid man hours to rewrite all that, just to make it do what it already does perfectly well?

See THIS previous thread, though there are dozens more, and the answers will always be the same.
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blind-eddie, MarkFL
Old 03-10-2017, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TheXboxCloud View Post
Hey this is just a personal opinion of mine.

I'd like to comment that while vbulletin.org being on vbulletin 3 gets the job done just the same it seems as if it deserves at least some type of update. Whether it be something small like a style change or upgraded to vbulletin 4 at least. To be honest I think it should be on vBulletin 5 with it's own unique style.

Just seems as if it's been on vbulletin 3 for as long as I can remember and you would think that as time goes by people wonder why it's not updated at least in some form.
Nuff said.
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blind-eddie, MarkFL
Old 03-10-2017, 06:47 PM
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Before it's closed...
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Old 03-10-2017, 08:30 PM
shimei shimei is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark.B View Post
Been discussed multiple times. It's not going to happen.

The aim of this forum is not to showcase new versions. That's the job of vbulletin.com.

The instance of vB3 used here is heavily customised by volunteers. Who's going to spend the huge numbers of unpaid man hours to rewrite all that, just to make it do what it already does perfectly well?

See THIS previous thread, though there are dozens more, and the answers will always be the same.
Imagine the amount of mods for Vb 5 that would be created if that actually did happen. That is, if the mods made for the Vb.org site were made public.

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Old 03-11-2017, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by shimei View Post
Imagine the amount of mods for Vb 5 that would be created if that actually did happen. That is, if the mods made for the Vb.org site were made public.

To be fair, those same add-ons were never made public for vB3 or vB4, and it didn't hurt the release rate.

Simple fact is, it's at least moderately difficult to create mods for vB5, by comparison, and so the mod market for it has never truly got going.

However, things are looking up - usage of vB5 is increasing, there's a rudimentary hook system back in place, and you have people like Glenn creating some interesting stuff, both free and paid, for vB5.

What would kickstart things a lot more would be if Cloud customers had access to install modifications - but I can't see how that could work.
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Old 03-12-2017, 01:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark.B View Post
Been discussed multiple times. It's not going to happen.

The aim of this forum is not to showcase new versions. That's the job of vbulletin.com.

The instance of vB3 used here is heavily customised by volunteers. Who's going to spend the huge numbers of unpaid man hours to rewrite all that, just to make it do what it already does perfectly well?

See THIS previous thread, though there are dozens more, and the answers will always be the same.
Yeah I guess you got a point if vbulletin.org has that many mods and additions to the site like you said.

I just think vb3 is getting older every day. You and the other vBulletin creators should actually put the work into it yourselves.

Not sure why the man hours have to be unpaid. vBulletin Solutions and Internet Brands should pay you guys to do it.

I assume the real winning voice in this is if your company would actually pay you to do it. If they weren't paying you I completely understand the logic in not wanting to redo it.

But the best mods would be created by a team of professionals like yourselves anyways. If it was for your own products site I can't really see why they wouldn't but I'll leave it at that.

Anyways I appreciate the responses.

Originally Posted by Mark.B View Post
To be fair, those same add-ons were never made public for vB3 or vB4, and it didn't hurt the release rate.

Simple fact is, it's at least moderately difficult to create mods for vB5, by comparison, and so the mod market for it has never truly got going.

However, things are looking up - usage of vB5 is increasing, there's a rudimentary hook system back in place, and you have people like Glenn creating some interesting stuff, both free and paid, for vB5.

What would kickstart things a lot more would be if Cloud customers had access to install modifications - but I can't see how that could work.
I agree that things are looking up better than before. Your product is best on the back end of things in my opinion. Not to be-little the front end either.

That's another one of my beliefs. I've seen how different forum products respond to google and there really is a difference. On the back end of things vb5 seems to be extremely well made. I couldn't validate the statement because I don't understand the code like you all do. I only say it because of my experiences as a webmaster using it.

The real validator of that would be you all who actually made it however google responds to it much better than other forums that I've used and I can tell. I don't know when I'll make a new vBulletin 5 site but I have been trying to learn PHP and wanted to create my own modifications. Found a tutorial in vb.com blogs teaching you how to do it and might give it a try once I learn object oriented php. However I was also going to try and make styles.

I took TheXboxCloud down and it could be a year or 2 from now before I do any of this since it takes so much work but I'll see how it goes.

Was going to use my license as a demo forum or a support forum for my web design business I plan on starting.
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Old 03-12-2017, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by TheXboxCloud View Post
Yeah I guess you got a point if vbulletin.org has that many mods and additions to the site like you said.

I just think vb3 is getting older every day. You and the other vBulletin creators should actually put the work into it yourselves.

Not sure why the man hours have to be unpaid. vBulletin Solutions and Internet Brands should pay you guys to do it.

I assume the real winning voice in this is if your company would actually pay you to do it. If they weren't paying you I completely understand the logic in not wanting to redo it.

But the best mods would be created by a team of professionals like yourselves anyways. If it was for your own products site I can't really see why they wouldn't but I'll leave it at that.

Anyways I appreciate the responses.
I think one of the key things to remember here - which a lot of customers either forget or don't realise - is that the support team don't write the code. I'm certainly no coder, you wouldn't want me writing code for vBulletin. I'm not qualified to do so and wouldn't pretend otherwise. I can make minor alterations to stuff but that's about it. My expertise is in supporting, using, configuring and troubleshooting the product itself.

Even setting that aside - someone who works for a company doesn't get to dictate what he or she gets paid to do. The company do that. Even if I was a professional coder, I couldn't tell vBulletin to pay me to update vB3. Neither business nor software development could possibly work like that.
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Old 03-12-2017, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by TheXboxCloud View Post
You and the other vBulletin creators should actually put the work into it yourselves.
Why on earth would anyone do that when its just fine as it is.
You may have loads of spare time to give away, most people dont.

Originally Posted by TheXboxCloud View Post
Not sure why the man hours have to be unpaid. vBulletin Solutions and Internet Brands should pay you guys to do it.

I assume the real winning voice in this is if your company would actually pay you to do it.
Thats never going to happen, they are cutting down, not spending more.

And why would anyone want the site to be vB5 anyway ?
There would be zero advantage, just lots of lost functionality.
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Old 03-12-2017, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul M View Post
And why would anyone want the site to be vB5 anyway ?
There would be zero advantage, just lots of lost functionality.
I was thinking more of a style change if anything. Something just to keep it up to date but I understand now you guys have said enough.

I agree the site is fine as it is. However I had actually thought maybe one of you would have agree'd with me from the start possibly.

It was on my mind that maybe you would have agree'd on at least some type of style update.

Like you said though nuff said. I'll move on with my suggestion.

Thanks for all the responses guys. Appreciate it.
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