If you already have the GamerCards Block in Profile mod, then you can simply use the Xbox Live profile field # that you created for the Xbox Live gamertag instead of creating a new profile field for your postbit.
If you already have the above mod, skip the next step.
Step 1 - Making the Profile Field
Create a new User Profile Field
Select "Single-Line Text Box"
Enter Gamertag as the title
Put, Enter your Xbox Live Gamertag Here, as your description
The rest of the settings are you up to you to decide
Remember to make a note of your Field Number that you have just created.
I put the gamercard under the users Avatar, but your free to place it where you want. Now you need to make one edit to the coding.
Now in the code that you have just added, you need to change the 'X' with your Gamertag field number that you created earlier!
Step 3 - Changing the Width of the Postbit
Now the postbit width in default vB4.0 style is smaller than the gamercards actual size. You can edit the width of the post bit area to ensure that the Gamercard fits. To do this:
Go to Styles & Templates and select Style Manager.
I guess this might be a question for the original mod, but i seem to be having an issue where it sends members to microsoft to sign in.?
I had only heard about it from members who were using Firefox, but now i actually saw it happen to me using Chrome.
Can you post a screenshot? If you click the gamercard it will take you to that persons profile on xbox.com because that's how it's setup. However, I'm not sure where you talking about this showing up at.
Nothing pops up.. It literally takes you to microsoft.com completely changes sites.! (no new window, changes in the current window)
I don't have to click on anything, just load a page that has a gamer card on it & it loads microsoft.com login page.
I removed the cards from postbit because it was causing people a lot of problems, now it only happens on profile pages now. (not everytime, just occasionally)
It only happened to me once, but i have had reports from members that it wont let them go to certain pages without it happening.
Personally i notice it takes me back to the main forum page (forum.php) often when i go to a persons profile. (used to happen when reading new posts, before i removed them from postbit)
Not sure if it is an xbox.com issue, or a vB update issue, or a mod issue.. its just weird.
It's got to be an issue on your part, make sure you followed the instructions correctly. I'm currently using this on my xbox360clans.net website and it works perfectly fine on 4.1.12.
I know a couple other forums that also use it. So, that's why I believe it's something on your part.