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Add-on CMS Widget For VSA Donation Mod
![]() Developer Last Online: Jan 2014 ![]() ![]()
I have created a CMS widget that works with Valter's Donation Mod Found here: CLICK INSTALLED TO GET SUPPORT FOR THIS ADD-ON. IF YOU DO NOT CLICK INSTALLED I CANNOT HELP YOU. NOTE: There is one draw back to this donation widget. I could not get the options to work so that a member could choose an pre-determined amount to donate, so if you use this widget you will HAVE to set your VSA Paypal Donate "Allowed donate amounts" to "Custom Only". This is the only way this widget will work properly and not look strange. Step 1: 1. Login to your admincp and go to vBulletin CMS>Widgets 2. Click "Create New Widget" at the bottom. Use the PHP direct execution widget settings or else this will not work. 3. Give the widget a proper title - this can be whatever you want it to be just keep in mind that it cannot be too long since it will be the widget header. 4. Give the widget a description - again this is up to you. 5. Click the "save" button. Step 2: 1. Go to Styles & Templates>Style Manager 2. Find the style you want to add the widget to - if you have more than one style and want it to show in each style you will need to do these steps for each style. 3. Click the drop down to the right and choose "Add New Template" 4. In the title box put the following without the quotes: "donate_widget" 5. Now copy and paste the following in the box: Code:
<div align="center"><form id="vsappd" name="vsappd" action="misc.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=dodonate" method="post" onsubmit="return Cpp_limitAmo(this);" <vb:if condition="$vboptions[vsapaypal_go_separate]">target="_blank"</vb:if>> <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" /> <div style="padding:0px;margin:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:1px;border-{vb:stylevar left}:1px;border-{vb:stylevar right}:1px;border-color:#000000;border-style:solid;"> <div class="blocksubhead" id="donform1" style="display:block;"> {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_note} </div> <div class="blocksubhead" id="waitform1" style="display:none;"> {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_redirecting} </div> <div class="blockrow" id="donform2" style="display:block;height:15px;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px" align="center"> {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_don} <span id="don" style="display:<vb:if condition="($vboptions[vsapaypal_allowed_donamo]=='3')">inline<vb:else />none</vb:if>;"> <input type="<vb:if condition="($vboptions[vsapaypal_allowed_donamo]=='1')">hidden<vb:else />text</vb:if>" name="amount" value="{vb:raw vsapp_amo_first}" class="primary textbox" style="width:30px" /> </span> {vb:raw vboptions.vsapaypal_currency} </div> <div class="blockrow" id="waitform2" style="display:none;height:15px;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px" align="center"> {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_redirected} </div> <div class="blocksubhead" id="donform3" style="display:block;" align="center"> <input name="vsa_send" class="button" type="submit" value="{vb:rawphrase submit}" /> </div> <div class="blocksubhead" id="waitform3" style="display:none;" align="center"> {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_wait} </div> </div> </form></div> 6. Click the "Save" button. Step 3: 1. Go to vBulletin CMS>Widgets and find the widget you created above and click on the "Configure" link to the far right. 2. In the box clear what is in it and place this code in it: Code:
$templater = vB_Template::create('donate_widget'); $output = $templater->render(); Step 4: 1. Go to vBulletin CMS>Layout Manager and find your current layout. Click the "Go" button to edit the layout. 2. Choose from the list on the left the name of your widget and place it in your layout where you would like it to go. 3. Click "Save". Refresh your page and you should see the widget now. To change the message above the donation box: 1. Go to Languages & Phrases>Search In Phrases 2. In the "Search For Text" box put "Please choose an option below" without the quotes. 3. Then tick the "Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name" and click the "Find" button. 4. This will bring up the phrase for this mod. In the bottom box type in what you want to change this to and click the save button. Refresh your page again and the changes should show soon. NOTE: There is one draw back to this donation widget. I could not get the options to work so that a member could choose an pre-determined amount to donate, so if you use this widget you will HAVE to set your VSA Paypal Donate "Allowed donate amounts" to "Custom Only". This is the only way this widget will work properly and not look strange. Screenshots
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Comments |
NICE ONE IVE ADDED SOME HTML TO THE Phrase Text to add a custom image
Great! Glad it worked for you.
Nice one i have added it to my front page many thanks for this mod
Awesome glad its working for you as well
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I tried to get this to work but didn't have a place to put the amount in once it appeared on my main page. Any ideas?
What do you mean? I'll need a link to see what you mean. Also what version of vb are you using?
Is it possible to show a list of donators below the widget / submit button?
Installed and working.
The only part I couldn't quite figure out was what kind of a widget to make so I used the PHP direct exection widget template and that's working great. Thanks very much! |
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Template Usage:
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