Hello everyone, I have been surfing the net for a while trying to figure out how to easily use the Font Page Slide Show by Joomla with vBulletin 4. If there are easier solutions out there then I didn't look hard enough (hardly doubt it though). So here it is;
Replace and enter your own values for width and height and replace the URL with your own.
3.Enter this iframe in a widget or into a forum side block or into any template for that matter. After you confirm it appears correctly go into the fpss folder fpss/slideshows/demo/ and edit data.php and parameters.php to add your own images and settings and such. I'm pretty sure you can change the name of the file itself and just update that change throughout.
Thank you EquinoxWorld! I managed to run the demo in an iframe on my vBadvanced... but i really don't know how to setup the data.php and parameters.php to match my website. Can you share those files (just to take a look and learn how to fix it).
Thanks again! And maybe after i'll make it work i'll find a way to display FPSS without the need of an iframe
Thank you EquinoxWorld! I managed to run the demo in an iframe on my vBadvanced... but i really don't know how to setup the data.php and parameters.php to match my website. Can you share those files (just to take a look and learn how to fix it).
Thanks again! And maybe after i'll make it work i'll find a way to display FPSS without the need of an iframe
Perfect. Now the rest is just setting up your slideshow. Now open data.php and parameters.php and edit it accordingly. I'll give you an example:
You can use a text editor to open the file or use Dreamweaver (recommended) which has a trial so you can download for free and use for 30 days I think. Edit the setting accordingly to your own liking and simply re-upload the files to the same location and refresh (you may have to delete/refresh cookies to see changes).
Ah, so you have to enter every new entry in Frontpage Slideshow manually? Like adding text, link and images manually? I thought this was supposed to extract automatically via RSS feed or maybe even threads (extracting attachments automatically)... Am i wrong?
Ah, so you have to enter every new entry in Frontpage Slideshow manually? Like adding text, link and images manually? I thought this was supposed to extract automatically via RSS feed or maybe even threads (extracting attachments automatically)... Am i wrong?
Unfortunately you do have to enter it in manually. This can be made into what your thinking but it takes a LOT more work. But yes as per right now you do need to enter all the values yourself. Save and upload. Done!