Version: , by (Guest)
Developer Last Online: Jan 1970
Version: Unknown
Released: 08-15-2000
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
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I just installed the avatar hack and most of the users haven't selected an icon resulting in a red X next to their name. How can I set a default icon to be there?
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I haven't installed the hack, so I'm just guess here
Is the red x an image?
If it is you can either replace it with something else, or search through the code and have it point to another image
did you make sure you edited all the code your are required to do in the showthreads.php file ? it should if i am not mistaken default to no image there at all if a user has yet to select an avatar
oh, sorry, I misubderstood
I had been to a board earlier that had an image with a red X for people that didn't choose one, I thought that is what you meant, sorry
Originally posted by Dr T I just installed the avatar hack and most of the users haven't selected an icon resulting in a red X next to their name. How can I set a default icon to be there?
another possible cause is that you have the right alterations in showthreads.php file but the image url to the avatars is broken or incorrect...
is your avatar directory under
/avatars/ ?
try a right click and properties on the broken image url and copy and paste it into a browser url and see if it comes up... if not, then it's simply cause the image url is incorrect...
does this happen to all members without avatar images selected ?
Members who have registered after I installed it have nothing, but those who previously installed it have the broken image thing. And I did try your suggestion, but it apparently leads to the PHP script
By default users have no icons as when you install the hack their "iconpath" field is left blank. Blank to the script means that there is no image to display. A "0" in the "iconpath" list tells the script that the user has a custom icon and to retrieve it from the custom_avatar table. Anything else means the Icon is to be retrieved from the path that is stored in the "custom_avatar" field.
You may not understand what I just said but if everything is done correctly then you should not have broken images.
I see the user "zelebron" has a broken image. His broken image leads to ""
The script thinks he has a custom_avatar and he must not actually have one. This behavior can not normally occur so I must assume you messed up somewhere when installing the hack. Can you look at the database for this user and tell me what is in the "iconpath" field?