How to make Facebook Connect users create a Username?
Everytime a person registers through Facebook Connect, they are generated a Username based on their real name. Is their a way to get VBulletin to require a user to create one of their choosing instead?
I understand Auto-Register may need to be turned off, but I don't want them to go through all steps of the process for signing-up.
Check out digitalpoint's mod "Digital Point Better Facebook Registration". It will "Make new user registration from Facebook Connect default to Facebook username, not real name."
That looks like what we need, thanks! Only unfortunate thing is that you can't have the user create a custom username (it uses their Facebook one) but this is much better than using their real name.
This is something that should be in the default facebook intagration I think.
Good luck on getting them to think that way. Luckily, we have Shawn to fall back on, huh?
Originally Posted by NimhGreatOwl
That looks like what we need, thanks! Only unfortunate thing is that you can't have the user create a custom username (it uses their Facebook one) but this is much better than using their real name.
They should be able to change it once they start the registration, shouldn't they?
The main advantage that forums have on facebook is that forums can be more anonymous. Most people use their real name for their facebook account. People should be able to add a forum account name, instead of their facebook name being used.