Version: 1.0.2, by IdanB
Developer Last Online: May 2010
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.8.2
Released: 05-09-2009
Last Update: 05-25-2009
Installs: 19
DB Changes Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Thread Promotion System
By: Idan B.
1. Description & Usage:
Thread Promotion Sytem hack will allow the forum admin to set auto promotion system that will move thread from Forum A to Forum B once passed certain replycount.
Usage Example: "promote" popular threads to a subforum, so that new threads do not get drowned out by popular ones.
2. Installation:
Please click Mark as Installed.
Installation is pretty easy - just download & install:
Goto: AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products : Choose "Add/Import Product" and import this product xml (product-thread_promotion.xml)
3. Upgrade From Older Version:
1. uninstall previous version.
2. install new version as described in previous section.
4. Configuration:
Once installed, the "Forum Manger" under admincp will have extra section for each forum:
Section name: "Thread Promotion System"
Enabled ? - Yes/No
Reply Count - Text (INT)
Forum Target - Selection box
5. Known Bugs:
[S]All threads are moved to target forum in certain condition[/S] - fixed in v1.0.2
6. TO-DO's LIST (Next Versions):
Allow to add redirect thread on original forum.
Allow to set redirect on forum category instead of configuring this per each forum.
Allow to promote vs. matching of cutom field (such as date).
CRITICAL BUG FIX: certain condition caused all threads being moved to target forum (instead just the one that should be moved). This is marked as critical bug, should any1 have previous version(s) installed, please upgrade now.
23 May 2009 - Version 1.0.1 released :
BUG FIX: TABLE_PREFIX was missing on hook queries. Special thanks goes to - thanks for the headsup, i've neglected to add it
Any ideas & requests to further enhance this modification are all welcome & will surely be coded into next version(s).
I simply awaiting on community feedback, so i can know what needs improving / fix
EDIT: Edited mod post to add link of the How-To guide i've written - there i'm showing how this modification was developed step-by-step.
one of main uses of this hack, as the original requester described it:
"Just for more insight, I will be using this modification to "promote" popular threads to a subforum, so that new threads do not get drowned out by popular ones."
This mod would be very useful for me if it was with "time period" instead of reply count. I would love to use this great hack on my movie review website.
I have a category such as "Coming soon Movies". When we post a new thread in this category, we do enter the showing on cinemas date also. so instead of moving all threads manually, with this mod i could be able to move the threads to the "Movies in Cinemas" category.
Coder forget about TABLE_PREFIX when call SQL Database
this modification just working if you don't have TABLE_PREFIX or you can modification that manualy.
I hope coder release the product using " . TABLE_PREFIX . " for query or select sql database.