The Arcive of Official vBulletin Modifications Site.It is not a VB3 engine, just a parsed copy! |
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UKBL ~ Rotation Iframe adverts Now you can add timed rotational adverts 468 x 60 Banners or any other size you want, anywhere on your forums, You can add it in more than one template and have as many different rotating ads as you want. ![]() This hack works in two parts, some of the code is written by Dyamic Drive so please keep the credits intact if you use. ![]() Installation 1. Download the 2. Firstly open the advertiser.txt file in notepad and find the following Code:
<iframe id="tickermain" src="" width=486 height=60 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no></iframe> Thats all you need to do on that file so now save your edits and open the adverts.htm file in notepad. You'll see the first part of the code is like this Code:
<script language="JavaScript1.2"> //IFRAME Advertiser by UKBL2009 //Rotation code by Dynamic Drive, please leave intact if you use. //configure delay between changing adverts (5000=5 seconds) var delay=5000 var ie4=document.all var curindex=0 var totalcontent=0 function get_total(){ if (ie4){ while (eval("document.all.content"+totalcontent)) totalcontent++ } else{ while (document.getElementById("content"+totalcontent)) totalcontent++ } } function contract_all(){ for (y=0;y<totalcontent;y++){ if (ie4) eval("document.all.content"+y).style.display="none" else document.getElementById("content"+y).style.display="none" } } function expand_one(which){ contract_all() if (ie4) eval("document.all.content"+which).style.display="" else document.getElementById("content"+which).style.display="" } function rotate_content(){ get_total() contract_all() expand_one(curindex) curindex=(curindex<totalcontent-1)? curindex+1: 0 setTimeout("rotate_content()",delay) } window.onload=rotate_content </script> <BODY bgColor=#FFFFFF> Code:
//configure delay between changing adverts (5000=5 seconds) var delay=5000 now we come to the addition of the Advertising banners. First you need to do a little bit of work, making each banner clickable and pointing to an url, so for this we'll use a simple bit of code below Code:
<a href="URL GOES HERE"><img src="picture.jpg"></a> Code:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0></a> Secondly, we have added border=0 to the end of the Image url, This prevents a url border from showing, so make sure this is added to each advert code. Once you've made all your ads clickable then ad them to the end of the adverts.htm code like my example below Code:
<!--ADD YOUR ADVERTISEMENT CONTENT BELOW, by wrapping each one inside a <DIV> as shown below.--> <!--For each DIV, increment its ID attribute for each additional content (ie: "content1", "content2" etc)--> <div id="content0" style="display:''"> <!-- ADD clickable banner code ADVERT #1 HERE---------------------> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0></a> <!-- END ADVERT #1-----------------> </div> <div id="content1" style="display:none"> <!-- ADD clickable banner code ADVERT #2 HERE---------------------> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0></a> <!-- END ADVERT #2-----------------> </div> <div id="content2" style="display:none"> <!-- ADD clickable banner code ADVERT #3 HERE---------------------> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0></a> <!-- END ADVERT #3-----------------> </div> <div id="content3" style="display:none"> <!-- ADD clickable banner code ADVERT #4 HERE---------------------> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0></a> <!-- END ADVERT #4-----------------> </div> Code:
<!-- ADD clickable banner code ADVERT #1 HERE---------------------> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0></a> <!-- END ADVERT #1-----------------> A quick tip to see if your adverts.htm file is working, just click on it in your desktop and you'll see your ads rotating ![]() Now, for the uploads Firstly, The adverts.htm file which you've just added your ads to, need to go into the forum root directory, once uploaded you can test it by going to You should see your banners rotating, if so then alls well ![]() Next we need to go to our admin cp and in your styles header, we need to add the small call up file which we saved as advertiser.txt. So open up this file again in notepad and copy and paste to the end of your styles Header. Now when you go to your forum you should see your ads rotating nicely. You can be more adventurous and add the call up code to any template you want, each time your adds will show anywhere in your forums, You can of course duplicate the code and with an additional .htm code on your forums root, you'll be able to have more banners showing, different sizes etc.. Hope you enjoy this simple addition If you click Install then i'll support you 100% ![]() If you've installed this on your site, drop me a PM and i'll add it to the Live Demo at the begining of this post ![]() Show Your Support
Comments |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
This looks like something that I'll be all over soon!
![]() I've got a few modifications (and uninstallation of others) to do before I get to this one. But, it's on my list ![]() |
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X vBulletin 3.8.12 by vBS Debug Information | |
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