RaceDepartment.com - blurring the line between real and virtual motorsports
Hi Guys,
Lurking this section of the forum for a few years and never had the guts to post But i am taking the step now and want your honest opinion about our community.
We are specialized in virtual motorsports (simracing for pc and xbox360) and organise massive online racing leagues for various titles. Besides that we are focussing on blurring the line between real and virtual racing. E.g: we have some real world racers amoung us that challenge the virtual tracks as hard as the real life tracks. Ultimate goal: making simracing an official motorsport.
Originally we started at the end of 2006 on PHPBB (oh god no more no more) as a little team of racers and turned into a community in march 2008 with a few members. Currently we are growing with 70 registered members a day and our totall is almost hitting the 13,000 now. Average new posts is around 1100 per day. We are very happy with the increasing interest we generating but are keen for improvements
I would love to hear your honest opinion about styling, user friendliness (can you find your way as a newbie?) and overal presentation. If you have suggestions on any subject please feel free to drop it.
Thanks for taking the time for a review, it's really appreciated :up: