I've been wanting to display some banners on my site but i didn't just want the same banner just showing until you go to another page or hit the refresh button, Some people may stay on the forum home for quite some time, This is not the ideal way to display banners, as they'll only see the one ad in all that time.
Well thats about to change with UKBL ~ Timed Rotating Ad Banners
Now as Admin you'll be able to make some serious money by showing a wider variety of banners which change after so many seconds, as opposed to changing on refreshes.
You can sign up to a number of affiliate sites and download banners to your forums, a list of affiliate sites to help you is at the end of this post.
To install this to your forums is so easy
First you need to edit the code to suit your requirements
Copy the following code to a text editor like notepad or word
<title>UKBL ~ 10 Second Banner Rotator</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function adArray() {
for (i=0; i*2<adArray.arguments.length; i++) {
this[i] = new Object();
this[i].src = adArray.arguments[i*2];
this[i].href = adArray.arguments[i*2+1];
this.length = i;
function getAdNum() {
dat = new Date();
dat = (dat.getTime()+"").charAt(8);
if (dat.length == 1)
ad_num = dat%ads.length;
ad_num = 0;
return ad_num;
var ads = new adArray(
var ad_num = getAdNum();
document.write('<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr><td '
+'<A href="'+ads[ad_num].href+'"><IMG SRC="'+ads[ad_num].src+'" '
+'height="60" width="468" border="0" name="js_ad"></a></td></tr></table>');
link_num = document.links.length-1;
function rotateBanner() {
if (document.images) {
ad_num = (ad_num+1)%ads.length;
document.js_ad.src = ads[ad_num].src;
document.links[link_num].href = ads[ad_num].href;
// -->
Basically what you see is what you get, the top line is the url of your image, you can save it to forums/images/misc or even photobucket, like my example above, The second line is the url to the site, Thats its just repeat this for all the ad banners you have and write up the code. Easy. You can use 2 banners or 200 the choice is yours
Then once you've edited your banners and their URL's you need to scroll down to..
Now you need to change the time delay, its in milliseconds, don't forget that, so if you want your ads to change every 10 seconds like the code above, you leave it on 10000, if you want 8 seconds, you need to change the code to 8000 in both lines, likewise 5 seconds = 5000
Then just save the file
To install to your Site.
For ease of application i've installed it in the header, right at the end, so heres what to do...
ACP> Style Manager > Your site's style > header
Just copy and paste the entire code that you've just edited and paste it at the very end of the header template, Click save. Thats its
if you experiment you can add these banners to the footer, in the posts and in different forums, Try and see what works for you the most
If you want to try the code first i've included a few banner gif's in the zipped file so you can try.
Affiliate Schemes that Pay YOU!! Some are UK based but have US section too