Version: 1.00, by CampinCarl
Developer Last Online: May 2012
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.7.2
Released: 07-16-2008
Last Update: Never
Installs: 18
Template Edits
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Well, I'm a newb when it comes to coding and such, but this was a relatively simple mod to whip up. What it does is displays your steam friends status in the postbit
Screen shot
DEMO: (NOTE I use the legacy postbit customized to fit my needs, but this is still a good demo for you guys ;D)
I'm not experienced enough to create and xml file for simple install, but installation is very simple anyway ;D
Step #1 Creating the steam id profile field
Go to admin control panel> User profile fields> Add new user profile field
Create a Single line text box
Description: Enter your Steam Id here (alter this to w/e you want ;D)
You don't need to change anything else, unless you deem it necessary
IMPORTANT!!!!: if this is the first custom field you have entered, the value will be field5, if however it is not, you need to go to admin control panel> User profile fields> user profile field manager and write down the field number (ie: field6, field7, etc)
Step #2 Editing the postbit
Navigate to Styles & templates > style manager> your style> edit templates> postbit templates> postbit and double click on it.
NOTE: remember that field you wrote down from the end of step one? if it says anything other then field5, change the above code to $post['your field here'] and $post[your field here]
once youve edited the template accordingly, hit save and enter your STEAM ID in the profile field, and check out your postbit! your should look alot like the screenshot above!
Additional notes:
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!
If you use it, please click install
I have been asked by some people to remove the brand at the top saying something like "steamfreinds2web beta by KoST", however, I am unable to do that, and you must contact KoST and possibly pay him a small fee to do so
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Not working wont show up when i make a post
I can enter my steam id in profile,and save it i have done the edits in postbit 3 times i only have one style so i have no issue picking the wrong one but still no go.
I did get it installed thankyou but uninstalled it as it had by Kost and Steamfriends2web beta written ubove the box.
As i do some how agree the makers name has every right to be there i dont think the rest ie Steamfriends2web beta needs to be with this gone i would probably install and use,