Version: , by beanymonster
Developer Last Online: Mar 2012
Version: Unknown
Released: 06-03-2008
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
I have just installed the latest version - now when I access arcade.php, I have a huge amount of visible code in the header.
No idea what the problem is (VB noob) so would appreciate some guidance.
This is what I see:
//------------------------------------------- // Creates a BOT session //------------------------------------------- function create_bot_session($bot) { global $DB, $INFO, $std, $ibforums; $db_str = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array( 'id' => $bot.'_session', 'member_name' => $ibforums->vars['sp_'.$bot], 'member_id' => 0, 'member_group' => $ibforums->vars['spider_group'], 'in_forum' => intval($ibforums->input['f']), 'in_topic' => intval($ibforums->input['t']), 'login_type' => $ibforums->vars['spider_anon'], 'running_time' => $this->time_now, 'location' => $ibforums->input['act'].",".$ibforums->input['p'].",".$ibforums->input['CODE'], 'ip_address' => $this->ip_address, 'browser' => $this->user_agent, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_sessions ({$db_str['FIELD_NAMES']}) VALUES({$db_str['FIELD_VALUES']})"); } //------------------------------------------- // Updates a BOT current session. //------------------------------------------- function update_bot_session($bot) { global $DB, $ibforums, $INFO; $db_str = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array( 'member_name' => $ibforums->vars['sp_'.$bot], 'member_id' => 0, 'member_group' => $ibforums->vars['spider_group'], 'in_forum' => intval($ibforums->input['f']), 'in_topic' => intval($ibforums->input['t']), 'login_type' => $ibforums->vars['spider_anon'], 'running_time' => $this->time_now, 'location' => $ibforums->input['act'].",".$ibforums->input['p'].",".$ibforums->input['CODE'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_sessions SET $db_str WHERE id='".$bot."_session'"); } } ?>='UserName' class='forminput' /> {$ibforums->lang['erl_enter_pass']}
EOF; } } ?>apping an error. // It ain't pretty, but it do the job don't it, eh? // Posh my ass. // Return 1 for exists, 0 for not exists and jello for the naked guy // Fun fact: The number of times I spelt 'field' as 'feild'in this part: 104 /*========================================================================*/ function field_exists($field, $table) { $this->return_die = 1; $this->error = ""; $this->query("SELECT COUNT($field) as count FROM $table"); $return = 1; if ( $this->failed ) { $return = 0; } $this->error = ""; $this->return_die = 0; $this->error_no = 0; $this->failed = 0; return $return; } } // end class ?> $eltime = ""; if ($daysDiff) { $eltime = $eltime.$daysDiff." ".$ibforums->lang['acp_day1']; if ($daysDiff < 10) { $eltime=$eltime." "; } else { $eltime=$eltime.$ibforums->lang['acp_day2']." "; } } if ($hrsDiff) { if ($hrsDiff<10) { $eltime=$eltime."0"; } $eltime=$eltime.$hrsDiff.":"; } if ($minsDiff<10) { $eltime=$eltime."0"; } $eltime=$eltime.$minsDiff.":"; if ($secsDiff<10) { $eltime=$eltime."0"; } $eltime=$eltime.$secsDiff; return $eltime; } //------------------------------------------ // do_arcade_format // // This will format the numbers in the arcade with what is specified in the Arcade main settings // //------------------------------------------ function do_arcade_format($number,$decpoints = 0) { global $ibforums; if (!isset($decpoints)) { $decpoints = 0; } if ($this->settings['score_sep'] != '0') { return number_format($number , $decpoints, $ibforums->lang['commasign'], $this->settings['score_sep']); } else { return number_format($number , $decpoints, $ibforums->lang['commasign'], ''); } } //formats the score function t3h_format($num) { $this->settings['score_sep'] = preg_replace( "/0/i" , "" , $this->settings['score_sep']); $this->settings['score_sep'] = preg_replace( "/s/i" , " " , $this->settings['score_sep']); $num = number_format($num , $this->settings['dec_amount'] , '.' , $this->settings['score_sep']); if( preg_match( "/\.0+$/i" , $num ) ) { $num = preg_replace( "/\.0+/i" , "" , $num ); } $num = preg_replace( "/\.(.+)0+$/i" , ".\\1" , $num ); return $num; } //Prints the output function print_it($incoming = "" , $title="ibProArcade" , $nav = array("ibProArcade") , $popup = 0 , $top = 0) { global $print; if( !is_array($nav) ) { $temp = $nav; $nav = array( $temp ); } $output = ""; $output = $incoming; if( !$popup ) { $print->add_output($output); $print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $title, 'JS' => 0, NAV => $nav ) ); } else { $print->pop_up_window($title,$output); } } } ?>_head => "Notification Messages", acp_notifi_global => "You can use the following global variables in all messagetexts:", acp_notifi_additional => "use those additional variables:", acp_notifi_sendwhen => "Send notification when ", acp_notifi_towinner => "Send notification to the winner about his victory", acp_notifi_msgtxt => "Notification-Messagetext: ", acp_notifi_NAME => "Name of Recipient", acp_notifi_GAME => "Name of Game", acp_notifi_CHAMP => "Name of new Champion", acp_notifi_OPPONENT => "Name of Opponent", acp_notifi_LINKG => "Link to play the Game", acp_notifi_LINKT => "Link to the Tournament", acp_notifi_LINKH => "Link to Highscores of Game", acp_notifi_DAYS => "Amount of days the player has not played", acp_notifi_msg1desc => "highscore gets beaten", acp_notifi_msg1name => "Highscore beaten", acp_notifi_msg2desc => "tournament starts", acp_notifi_msg2name => "Tournament starts", acp_notifi_msg3desc => "player advanced to next round", acp_notifi_msg3name => "advanced", acp_notifi_msg4desc => "player gets eliminated", acp_notifi_msg4name => "eliminated", acp_notifi_msg5name => "Winner", acp_notifi_msg6name => "Reminder", acp_notifi_msg7name => "Disqualification", ); ?> _head => "Notification Messages", acp_notifi_global => "You can use the following global variables in all messagetexts:", acp_notifi_additional => "use those additional variables:", acp_notifi_sendwhen => "Send notification when ", acp_notifi_towinner => "Send notification to the winner about his victory", acp_notifi_msgtxt => "Notification-Messagetext: ", acp_notifi_NAME => "Name of Recipient", acp_notifi_GAME => "Name of Game", acp_notifi_CHAMP => "Name of new Champion", acp_notifi_OPPONENT => "Name of Opponent", acp_notifi_LINKG => "Link to play the Game", acp_notifi_LINKT => "Link to the Tournament", acp_notifi_LINKH => "Link to Highscores of Game", acp_notifi_DAYS => "Amount of days the player has not played", acp_notifi_msg1desc => "highscore gets beaten", acp_notifi_msg1name => "Highscore beaten", acp_notifi_msg2desc => "tournament starts", acp_notifi_msg2name => "Tournament starts", acp_notifi_msg3desc => "player advanced to next round", acp_notifi_msg3name => "advanced", acp_notifi_msg4desc => "player gets eliminated", acp_notifi_msg4name => "eliminated", acp_notifi_msg5name => "Winner", acp_notifi_msg6name => "Reminder", acp_notifi_msg7name => "Disqualification", ); ?> e="submit" value="{$ibforums->lang['confirm_r']}" class="forminput" />
EOF; } function leagueheader() { global $ibforums; return <<
{$ibforums->lang['rank']} {$ibforums->lang['username']} {$ibforums->lang['average_rank']} {$ibforums->lang['score']}
EOF; } function leaguerow($rowcol,$rank,$name,$avgrank,$points) { global $ibforums; return << $rank $name $avgrank $points
EOF; } function cat_select($cats) { global $ibforums; return <<{$ibforums->lang['choose_cat']}: {$cats} EOF; } function error($e) { global $ibforums; return << {$ibforums->lang['error']}
EOF; } function copyright($version,$country) { $text = "
ibProArcade v{$version}
"; if ($country == "de") { $text = $text . "Erweiterte vBulletin-Version von MrZeropage
"; } else { $text = $text . "Extended vBulletin-Version by MrZeropage (
"; } if ($country == "de") { $text = $text . "deutsche ?bersetzung von MrZeropage
"; } $text = $text . "Original ? Chris Kelly 2004
"; return $text; } function generalbox($title,$text) { global $ibforums; return << {$title}
EOF; } } ?>
Thanks in advance
--------------- Added [DATE]1212489082[/DATE] at [TIME]1212489082[/TIME] ---------------
ok - reuploaded files another 3 times and it seems fixed now - even though it was reading the correct new version, on of the files must have been corrupt.
All sorted now
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