Double vote not allowed, but user can edit his rating
User can skip photos that he don't want to vote.
User is seeing only photos that he hasn't vote before.
Search by User, Location, Keywords
Discussion thread for each photo.
Email link to a friend.
Report photo as illegal to admin.
Many configurations per usergroup so you can easily charge users.
vbSeo friendly
2.- Not only one but three(3) ways to rate!
As I know, all similar scripts in the market works on the same way. A user must rate one by one the photos and some of them they've the ability to rate by category but again one by one. With vbPhotoVote you can rate photos with one of the following ways:
All photos one by one. But you'll never see again a photo that you've already rated!
All photos, one by one, on selecting category. But again only the photos that you haven't rated before.
Selected photos only, from the listing results after a search.
3.- vbPhotoVote is Smart!
While it prevents multiple votes by the same user, it gives the ability to any user who has changed his mind about a vote that already did, to correct it. If a user search for this photo he can rate it again, but the only that it counts is the difference in points between 1st and 2nd vote. The total votes are not increase.
On every page there are blocks with last 5 photos and top 5 photos. The contain of these blocks are according to the place that you're. In the main page shows from all categories. In a category listing limits them in the specific category. In Member area show user's top 5 and last 5!!
4.- Why your Members will love it!
Along with it's many features, your members will love it as they can see many statistical details for all their photos in one place. eg: How many votes has each of their photos, what's their position in stream in the same category, or among all photos. Also there they can edit or delete a photo, read reviews, get the link.
5.- Admin's Features
Can setup module's options
Can Manage Photos (Approve, Edit, Reject)
Can Add/Edit/Delete Categories
Can Manage Reported Photos
Can Rebuild Counters
6.- vbPhotoVote Options
Photo Approval On/Off
Photo Width
Thumbnail Width
Email Template for Photo's Approval
Email Template for Photo's Rejection
Photos per Row (for listing)
Photos per Page (for listing)
Commenting System On/Off
Forum to use for Comments
Width of Left Column
Width of Right Column
Font Size for Menus
7.- Usergroup Permissions
Can use vbPhotoVote?
Can Add/Edit/Delete own Photo?
Can Rate Photos?
Can Comment Photos?
Can Send Messages?
Can Search Photos?
Can Moderate?
8.- Installation
Upload the entire /vbphotovote directory to your webserver UNDER the folder where
your vBulletin is installed. eg if your vb installation is located at: then the /vbphotovote directory must be under this (/forums).
Upload vbphotovote.php at your forum directory (!!NOT!! in vbphotovote directory).
Upload the file /admicp/vbphotovote_admin.php to your /admincp directory
Upload the files in /includes/xml/*.* to your /includes/xml/
CMOD the following directoris to 777 /photos (inside vbphotovote directory) /tmp (inside vbphotovote directory) /thumbs (inside vbphotovote/photos directory)
For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off
Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system
is enabled.
From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_vbphotovote.xml
From your adminCP from "Forum & Moderators->Forum Manager" choose "Add New Forum". This will be used for Reviews. It's better to use the default form and not
copying another forum. The points that need attention are: Parent forum : No one, Display Order : 0 !!!! (To hide forum from listings)
If you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:
Search For:
By default none usergroup has permissions to use vbPhotoVote, so you need to give
permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.
Configure vbPhotoVote to meet your needs at AdminCP->vbPhotoVote->Options
9.- Copyright
Feel free to do anything with the code, eg by reusing the functions to develope other vBulletin modules, with only 2 major exceptions:
You'll credit my name and my website.
You'll not use the full or partial code, or any function to develope stand alone PHP script. In simple words use it as you like but only within vBulletin community.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Please note that I don't have any free time to support it. Very rarelly I'll be online here to reply to installation questions only. The module is working fine for more than 18 months now.
The third file is for those who don't like my copyright at the bottom of the page. Just follow the instruction by uploading a file and my copyright will disappear.