Version: , by Biggles
Developer Last Online: Aug 2011
Version: Unknown
Released: 01-09-2008
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
I see there have been one or two posts made along similar lines to this which the post that follows may help with. Hoping someone can help me too.
Installed ibProArcade on my new site. Worked just fine and uploaded a bunch of new games. Everything was dandy. I then installed vBSEO and it seemed all was well. However, I started getting complaints that scores were not being recorded and members were cliscking 'submit' buttons and finding their score was dumped and they were taken to the CMPS Homepage. Tried switching vBSEO off - no change. Altered setting on vBSEO - no change.
I then uninstalled ibProArcade and the proverbial hit the fan. Started getting a database error instead of the forums homepage. CMPS page working fine but no access to forums. Eventually found the problem: I had the add-on 'champs on forumhome' and it did not remove code from the installation when I uninstalled. This is resolved by removing the code (reverse the installation instructions and remove what was pasted in). Forums reappeared and everything back to normal - ALMOST!
I've re-installed the arcade and uploaded new tar files. Games are all working fine - BUT I am back now to having scores that won't save and members being flicked back to CMPS homepage.
If I can't solve this problem, I am going to be forced to remove the ibPROArcade and go back to my trusty old v3 system.
I think this hack is the best - but it sure has taken a lot of my time in messing around with this problem. It seems vBSEO may be the problem - incompatible perhaps with a setting. But I'd rather be spidered than provide entertainment for entertainment's sake. My site's about boats and boatbuilding, not about playing games.
Hope this helps others who've had same prob.
Best wishes
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Since your running a CMPS, you are aware you need to do a file edit manually to the vbulletin(not the CMPS) index.php right? It should be listed in the install instructions.
Since your running a CMPS, you are aware you need to do a file edit manually to the vbulletin(not the CMPS) index.php right? It should be listed in the install instructions.
I saw the manual edit thanks Xplorer but my vB index.php is renamed and my CMPS is now the domain's index.php. I did this so that the portal is always the CMPS page.
I am not a coder's bootlace but did my best to figure what was going down. I presumed the ibProArcade hack would default to save data to the CMPS page as index.php so did not attempt to edit index.php. If I apply the edit to the renamed vBulletin ******.php , will the scores save properly? By that I mean will they be saved to where they should be?
For now, I've uninstalled ibPro and gone back to v3Arcade which is saving all scores perfectly well and running seamlessly on my site without problems. This situation is not desirable - if for no other reason than there are far more excellent ibPro games available that I can't seem to find out there as v3 games. I would prefer to be giving members ibPro but there is little more frustrating (and upsetting for them) than playing a game at length, learning how to handle it and getting a high score, then finding they can't save it.
For the record, I found ibPro superior in many respects. And it worked OK at first then suddenly stopped recording scores. When I uninstalled and re-installed ibPro, the problem did not go away and, for some time, my forums homepage wouldn't function. That was down to a piece of code left behind after I uninstalled. Once I located that and removed it, the site was back to speed but still not saving scores - until I switched to v3.
the destination-script of the games to send their scores to depends on the GAME, not the arcade
v3arcade-games (old, unsecured) send their score to arcade.php while all new conversions, the most games and all secured ones submit to index.php
To make it work, you always have to edit index.php - if this is a standard-vBulletin-file, the adaption is done automatically, if you have any other content in index.php (portal, cmps...) you have to do one manual edit
Thanks for that info Mr Zeropage. So, you suggest that if I re-install ibProArcade and do the manual edit to index.php, which on my site is the CMPS homepage, the games will submit scores without error.
A little question, then, for my sake and others who are not coders: where will the scores be displayed if being submitted to the CMPS homepage rather than the forums homepage? Are they displayed in the arcade or somewhere else?
[Edit: 15 January - OK, I did a re-install and followed your advice above. It seems to have installed well and scores are going through fine. Many thanks for your help. I'm sure the members will be pleased, as indeed am I. :up:]