Version: 1.00, by cyberphr
Developer Last Online: Apr 2011
Version: 3.6.7
Released: 06-21-2007
Last Update: Never
Installs: 25
Additional Files
No support by the author.
vBPlus theme is an "improvement" of the default 3.6 style.
It is liquid width. The width is set by default at 80%, but can be changed without any problems.
100% valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional, CSS.
Rounded header and footer without images.
Scroll to top (#top) buttons on forums.
Navigation buttons in header.
Categories spaced, tcat moved above thead.
Smoother style.
80% liquid width, fully editable.
Screenshots attached. Enjoy.
Thank you for downloading vBPlus theme for vBulletin 3.6.7, by UbuntuniX.
Come visit us at !
This theme is an "improvement" of the default. With the exception of template/CSS edits and one added image, this work is fully copyrighted to Jelsoft and the vBulletin design staff.
Copyright Jelsoft, UbuntuniX 2007.
Please note that, as with all developments by UbuntuniX, this theme was coded by hand.
The only software used to create this theme were Photoshop & GEdit (a basic text editor).
Also, as with all P-C developments, vBPlus is guaranteed 100% valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional & CSS,
as defined by W3C. Accessbility is also kept in mind during creation, though may not be fully valid.
Only noobs use tools like DreamWeaver! Which doesn't even work well! :)
All files contained herein are copyright UbuntuniX, Cyber-Phreaks Networks, & Phreak-Coding, except:
* Default vBulletin images are copyrighted to Jelsoft (
The copyright text in the footer ("vBPlus Theme - Designed by UbuntuniX, ?2007.") may NOT be removed UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES,
even if your vBPlus theme is heavily edited.
This theme may NOT be redistributed without permission of its author, UbuntuniX, under any circumstances.
If you would like to help UbuntuniX, Phreak-Coding and Cyber-Phreaks Networks continue producing themes and other quality material,
please consider donating whatever you can afford to via PayPal.
To install your new vBPlus theme, steps are as follows:
* Open your FTP client and upload the Upload/images directory,
and all files under it, to [forum root directory]/images.
* Login to your vBulletin Admin Control Panel and upload the XML file (XML/3.6.7_vBPlus-1.0.xml) under Styles & Templates > Download / Upload Styles.
* Edit PSD/logo.psd in Photoshop to include your forum's name, then save it as logo.png and upload to images/vBPlus/misc.
The font used for the logo is named "Shift", and can be found here:
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
This probably should have been released as a template modification to get round corners, since so much of it is Jelsoft / default vbulletin code / images. Just a suggestion, but I like the rounded corners
This probably should have been released as a template modification to get round corners, since so much of it is Jelsoft / default vbulletin code / images. Just a suggestion, but I like the rounded corners
In all honesty, all styles are. Just some more than others.
If you view the readme, you'll see I've given full credit to Jelsoft.