Version: 1.00, by Adult SEO
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.3
Released: 11-10-2006
Last Update: 11-10-2006
Installs: 23
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
I am developping a new forum on (meaning: in dutch) and I needed to be able to change the header for each specific parrot via CSS and might also need to change other CSS for each specific forum so I wrote this small mod wich is optimized (fast, using variables already made available by vbulletin so no extra queries) and enables to configure CSS via the vBulletin admin as if it's available by default.
It contains 1 phrase ("CSS") and requires 1 template mod to insert the new styles just below the <body> tag via the "header" template. It might be better to place the styles just above the </head> tag on each seperate forum and threadview template but this requires more work so I provide instructions for the most easy and simple way.
Upload css_install.php to your forum root (e.g. / or /forum/)
Run the script, it will return an confirmation message that the instalation is completed. It will add one field to the forum table ("css"/TEXT).
Import the included product (product-custom_forum_css.xml)
Edit the "header" template and put the folowing code on very top of the template:
<style type="text/css">
Now you will be able to aply CSS code per forum via the Forum Adminpanel, there is a new CSS textarea input on the bottom of the edit and add forum forms.
Btw, if you use subforums without CSS specified on a parrent that does have CSS specified it will use the CSS of the parrent (unlimited, so also if you have 100 levels of subforums).
I am developping more mods btw, PM or contact me for more information.
When you navigate from the homepage into a forum with difrent CSS it isn't loaded at first, but if you navigate further into a subforum or back to the mainpage, the CSS is suddenly loaded!
I am working on a solution for it and let you know!
If anyone has any idear as of why this happens, please let me know!
I used the "session-cache" information and needed to combine the information with a difrent variable.
Now it works perfectly! You can see an example here: and then simply navigate to the root, it will load a difrent header image with parrots top right (200k+).
adult seo this is a realy nice mod. i was searching for a mod like this. Let me clear, with this mod i can change the header images per forum am i right?
I am developping more mods btw, for example the reciprocal link system wich you can see on the example forum. It will display a toplist of pages that send traffic to your forum. Inactive links that don't send traffic for 7 days will be deleted, and there is a simple admin to ban pages. And, referrer affiliate spammers get detected by parsing the spamming page and verifying if the page contains a redirect or redirection header (301). Actualy, also links comming from secure pages like webmail pages will be banned.
And this one is a awesome hack. I'll be upgrading to 3.6.3 tonight, and this will be installed at the same time
Yes, I will release it for free but I will probably demand a returnlink (small icon linking to as this mod costs a bit more time to do it verry well than the CSS mod.