I don't see why so many people need avatars to be 100x100. Avatars that are 80x80 can show nearly the same amount of detail as an avatar set at 100x100. Aside from larger file sizes, it'd just make threads even longer. Unless someone makes a post with three paragraphs, or uses a quote within it, it's just going to extend their post vertically another twenty pixels. That may not seem like much, but for those of us who have 100 posts per page, it'd be a lot longer.
I think it would be a nice gesture if staff gave the members the option for a 100px by 100px dimension option. I don't think they will though going by past experiences though.
Unless someone makes a post with three paragraphs, or uses a quote within it, it's just going to extend their post vertically another twenty pixels. That may not seem like much, but for those of us who have 100 posts per page, it'd be a lot longer.
Oh I dunno, just look at some of the signature sizes.
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
I don't think they will though going by past experiences though.
Sadly I'd have to agree with you. We can live in hope though.
Posting negative comments about the staff is not the best way to ask for change.
That's true, but I've tried to be civil and it hasn't helped in the past so I see no reason to change. Anyway, I won't beg just to get an extra 20pxs by 20pxs.
I'm hoping if the maximum avatar sizes could be changed to 100 x 100 pixels. 80/80 doesn't impress me.
Ask yourselves this do we really care? where here for free hacks and help 99% of people here have there own forums so do what you want to them and respect
vb in there choices