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Dedicated server recs please
Version: , by good2laugh good2laugh is offline
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Released: 07-27-2006 Last Update: Never Installs: 0
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I don't know a better place to ask for advice so I'm trying here

I need a new dedicated server - preferably managed. I've currently got the 1&1 managed server II

Although customer support is rubbish, Overall it meets my needs and I've had no problem, except now my database is getting big - and soon I'll reach the 100mb sql limit - which is why I see most vbusers are saying avoid it. The only other site I really see recommended is ASO - but they are sold out.

1&1 have a load of stuff, including email that I just don't need or want. I am used to their control panel and would want something similar, I guess cpanel, I need the intuitive type as Im a bit of a d****** when it comes to the technical side of things.

All that I know I need is a bigger sql limit, the ssh access, and obviously I want security. I don't know what else I really should be looking for, i.e. minimum requirements, I know I need the latest php and mysql stuff like that, but in terms of speed/hardware/capabilities etc etc.

apart from vB, I have gallery, links, cmps, and soon I hope GARS - I'm looking at about $150 - $200 a month but preferably the lower end of that.
The site has about 600 active users, but probably no more than 60 on at any one time.

Can anyone recommend a company to try, (apart from ASO cos they are sold out) Who does this site use for example, my site won't ever be as big as org or vbcom but if the server can cope with them, then I'd know it would cope with me lol.. or if they are out of my price bracket any other recommendations..

hope someone will help, the help I get from 1&1 is "delete some of your data" yeah right... helpful....not


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Old 07-27-2006, 09:45 AM
Lizard King Lizard King is offline
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I can recommend ahosting.biz currently i have a server from there but soon i plan to move on softlayer because i don't need managed server any more. Their support system is pretty good. When you open a ticket maxiumum reply time is 5-10 min.
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Old 07-28-2006, 04:47 PM
good2laugh good2laugh is offline
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Originally Posted by Lizard King
I can recommend ahosting.biz currently i have a server from there but soon i plan to move on softlayer because i don't need managed server any more. Their support system is pretty good. When you open a ticket maxiumum reply time is 5-10 min.
Thanks for this LK, I'll take a look
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Old 07-28-2006, 05:16 PM
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You're not going to find much in the way of "managed" for that pirce range sadly. Server Managment for a single server could be upwards of a few hundered dollars a month by itself. Not including the server.

You might want to try servstra.com one of their AMD packages might be worth while to you/
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Old 07-28-2006, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Zachery
You're not going to find much in the way of "managed" for that pirce range sadly. Server Managment for a single server could be upwards of a few hundered dollars a month by itself. Not including the server.

You might want to try servstra.com one of their AMD packages might be worth while to you/
Thanks Zachery.. I've been looking at this westhost.com $400 a month for their plan 3 still looking in to it, want to ensure mysql is not limited, plus I have SSH access. It's a tad more than I wanted to pay, but not out of my range. BTW - not that it makes much difference but my initial post was meant to say ? 150- 200 ? not $ . Which I think gives me about $400

Fortunately I'm not in too much of a rush, so I'll check all of these out, I darenot go unmanaged because I just haven't a clue lol. Thanks all
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Old 07-31-2006, 10:15 PM
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If you are on an actual 'dedicated' server, MySQL database size would be limited by the size of your hard drive or the partition (if you dedicate a partition to MySQL). The only time you'd be limited by database size is on a shared or reseller hosting package.

If you're on a dedicated server, are currently with 1&1 and limits are being places on *your* dedicated server as far as mySQL database size, it's time to move on anyway.

From the sounds of it, you're more so on a shared or VPS solution, not so much a dedicated solution.
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Old 08-01-2006, 06:03 PM
good2laugh good2laugh is offline
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Originally Posted by SaintDog
If you are on an actual 'dedicated' server, MySQL database size would be limited by the size of your hard drive or the partition (if you dedicate a partition to MySQL). The only time you'd be limited by database size is on a shared or reseller hosting package.

If you're on a dedicated server, are currently with 1&1 and limits are being places on *your* dedicated server as far as mySQL database size, it's time to move on anyway.

From the sounds of it, you're more so on a shared or VPS solution, not so much a dedicated solution.
I have been in discussion via email with 1&1 asking why they are restricting mysql on MY server - its a managed server btw. It's not advertised as having a limit on size - just a limit on quantity. I've told them they are falsely advertising. Their answer to my question about restricting mysql is
"Thank you for contacting us.

I do apologize for the incovenience but we really do not have an option
to increase the size of the database unless you have a root server"

Time to move on!! Trouble is I have no clue how to read my logs so not really sure what sort of server spec to choose, no idea what the diff is between single dual processers and all the various other configs people talk about. Guess I need to learn quick and move somewhere pretty quick too. Site isn't that busy would think now I've put attachments in file system that I have a few months until mysql bursts, shall try and use the time wisely and learn this stuff!!
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Old 08-01-2006, 07:49 PM
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I've never heard of an actual dedicated server having a limit on MySQL database size, other than the limits imposed by the hardware installed to the server. Root access or not, your MySQL database size(s) should not be limited simply because you can't login to SSH as a root/superuser.

There also should not be a limit on the quantity of databases you may create as again, if is dedicated and you're the only one of the server, it shouldn't matter what you create or how many you create.

From the sounds of it, 1&1 either need to "can" (or fire) their uninformed staff members or possibly use some of the money they are wasting, before it's all gone, to train their staff.

I would *never* give a client such a chopped up answer.
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Old 08-01-2006, 11:40 PM
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I've found a hosting site, but I haven't really been able to use it (Parents suck. LOL. Haven't been able to do anything I want). I've read some of their testimonials, so far so good. They've been around for years, host many people and have huge disk space for shared hosting. But they don't offer fully dedicated servers. They offer this:

VPS Dedicated Servers

You can choose from 3 packages. It's basically a better shared server. You have dedicated IPs for your section of the server. Like that. Check out canaca.com as they are who i'm talking about. Their cheap too!
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Old 08-02-2006, 04:10 PM
sdadave sdadave is offline
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If you haven't already.. try SoftLayer.com
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