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Old 05-04-2006, 01:56 PM
robert_2004 robert_2004 is offline
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Default Multiple site controller

This system will allow you to run multiple sites off the one set of files and database.

At the moment, i have one site. We've been wanting to expand into different cities in my country, but we want to have each city seperate from the rest - otherwise the forums will *look* too big, and threads will fill up too quickly (and in turn, keep users from reading and posting, as there would be too much).
SO: we have decided: seperate usergroups, and seperate forums.
When you log into siteA, you are automatically given a 'siteA unregistered' usergroup, which in turn only allows you to view the city's forum.

HISTORY: When we were using vb 3.0.x, we started working on a system, where we would use one set of files, but multiple database, as we though it would be a good start, and at any point later we could import the databases, and combine into one database (but we wouldn't be able to do it the other way).
Only problem with this is, when you edit a template on one site, you would have to do it for every other city.

Once vB 3.5.x came out, we knew what we had nearly finished was useless, as now plugins and products (so php code) is kept in the mySQL database aswell, and this was going to get too messy to install a plugin on each site, and then adjust the templates and phrases.

PRESENT DAY: right now, we have NOT finalised this project hack. i have a guy working on setting it up as we speak, and will hopefully have it ready within a few days.

NOW: i don't mind releasing this hack to the public, as it will help get new ideas, improvments, and fix all bugs - but i just want to know whether or not people will actually want to install this?
If so, please post in this thread. Post any comments and/or critism, or any ideas or features you would like to see in the hack. You can also write any other ways that what i'm creating can benefit you or someone you know, if we expanded our code to make it more universal.

- will use phrases and templates for as much data as possible.
- will make user friendly install script
- we will support this for lifetime.
- uses a config file to hold details about each domain.
- REGISTRATION -> will alter the registration page, to identify which site visitor is on, and which usergroup to assign to.
- registration -> will send email with the correct website domain.
- will only show forum for that city / usergroup
- will use one parent style, and each city will have it's own child style for the templates
- vB settings -> will either create a system to add settings to a certain city, or manually created settings for each city. if city settings are found, it will override the default settings you set for the original vB forum.

- vBa CMPS will be intergrated, so each city can have it's own front page, and special pages
- webTemplates (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=103076) will be intergrated, and you can set onlly certain users to see certain pages (though not sure about setting up page names yet)
- show the 'members online' for only your city
- create a usergroup heirarchy (only 2 levels, just to label and keep organised)
- show 'total members' for only your city.
- redesign the forum listings in adminCP to handle larger number of forums (for instance, we have 80 forums per city, and we will have between 4 - 20 cities within a few months).

Please post any questions or comments here until the hack is actually ready.
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Old 05-06-2006, 09:28 PM
Warlock40 Warlock40 is offline
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Very good. I will be very interested in this hack.

I have been developing a similar setup but have not gone as far. I never actually thought to go that far.

He is one for thought. The cmps pages. You can set styles (I have set up multiple styles for each one dependant on the segment I am catering too.)
However if a user is new or not signed in it uses the VB default. Have you been able to get around this? If so I would love to hear what you did.
Might save me some time.

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Old 05-09-2006, 03:46 PM
robert_2004 robert_2004 is offline
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thanks for the reply mate.

we'll start looking into the CMPS issues within the next week hopefully.
My biggest concern is the names you can give each 'page' in CMPS, and whether each site will need it's own pages, or whether they'll simply share the same pages. As i think about this - it depends on how people set up their pages, cause i'm pretty sure not many people would have the pages i have set up.
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Old 05-09-2006, 04:18 PM
Southpaw Southpaw is offline
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Sounds interesting, but wouldnt you have to purchase a new license for each new site you want to run?
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Old 05-28-2006, 06:44 AM
robert_2004 robert_2004 is offline
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yes, you will have to purchase a license for each site - but even still - it's allowing me to do something that would have been freaking hard before - especially upgrading.

i'm in the midst of testing the system at the moment. a few bugs here and there. once ready, i'll start posting stuff up.
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Old 05-28-2006, 06:55 AM
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NOW: i don't mind releasing this hack to the public, as it will help get new ideas, improvments, and fix all bugs - but i just want to know whether or not people will actually want to install this?
I just want to know why that seems to be so important to people lately. Truth be told, it shouldn't matter. This modification would not work for everyone, but it would work for some. SOMEONE will be able to use it and that is really all that matters.

When people start saying "I will release this but I need to know how many people are going to install it", they are checking to see if they can make a buck or 2 of the modification. There is no other reason to ask that except to see if there will be a large enough following to make it a commercial modification.

If you are looking to give back to the community, just release it. You may get one install, or you may get a thousand. If you aren't seeking out if you should charge for this, then the "install" count before it is released would mean nothing at this point.
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Old 05-28-2006, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by robert_2004
This system will allow you to run multiple sites off the one set of files and database.

At the moment, i have one site. We've been wanting to expand into different cities in my country, but we want to have each city seperate from the rest - otherwise the forums will *look* too big, and threads will fill up too quickly (and in turn, keep users from reading and posting, as there would be too much).
SO: we have decided: seperate usergroups, and seperate forums.
When you log into siteA, you are automatically given a 'siteA unregistered' usergroup, which in turn only allows you to view the city's forum.

HISTORY: When we were using vb 3.0.x, we started working on a system, where we would use one set of files, but multiple database, as we though it would be a good start, and at any point later we could import the databases, and combine into one database (but we wouldn't be able to do it the other way).
Only problem with this is, when you edit a template on one site, you would have to do it for every other city.

Once vB 3.5.x came out, we knew what we had nearly finished was useless, as now plugins and products (so php code) is kept in the mySQL database aswell, and this was going to get too messy to install a plugin on each site, and then adjust the templates and phrases.

PRESENT DAY: right now, we have NOT finalised this project hack. i have a guy working on setting it up as we speak, and will hopefully have it ready within a few days.

NOW: i don't mind releasing this hack to the public, as it will help get new ideas, improvments, and fix all bugs - but i just want to know whether or not people will actually want to install this?
If so, please post in this thread. Post any comments and/or critism, or any ideas or features you would like to see in the hack. You can also write any other ways that what i'm creating can benefit you or someone you know, if we expanded our code to make it more universal.

- will use phrases and templates for as much data as possible.
- will make user friendly install script
- we will support this for lifetime.
- uses a config file to hold details about each domain.
- REGISTRATION -> will alter the registration page, to identify which site visitor is on, and which usergroup to assign to.
- registration -> will send email with the correct website domain.
- will only show forum for that city / usergroup
- will use one parent style, and each city will have it's own child style for the templates
- vB settings -> will either create a system to add settings to a certain city, or manually created settings for each city. if city settings are found, it will override the default settings you set for the original vB forum.

- vBa CMPS will be intergrated, so each city can have it's own front page, and special pages
- webTemplates (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=103076) will be intergrated, and you can set onlly certain users to see certain pages (though not sure about setting up page names yet)
- show the 'members online' for only your city
- create a usergroup heirarchy (only 2 levels, just to label and keep organised)
- show 'total members' for only your city.
- redesign the forum listings in adminCP to handle larger number of forums (for instance, we have 80 forums per city, and we will have between 4 - 20 cities within a few months).

Please post any questions or comments here until the hack is actually ready.
You are aware for each forum will need its own license correct?
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Old 05-28-2006, 07:02 AM
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Zach, he is aware. (Read post #5)
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Old 05-28-2006, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by robert_2004
yes, you will have to purchase a license for each site - but even still - it's allowing me to do something that would have been freaking hard before - especially upgrading.

i'm in the midst of testing the system at the moment. a few bugs here and there. once ready, i'll start posting stuff up.
I think he covered that.
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Old 05-28-2006, 07:08 AM
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As long as he is aware and the users using it(when and if it gets released).
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