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Old 04-05-2006, 01:08 AM
sn8k sn8k is offline
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Default Security Threat? or am I just a girlie man LOL

I need some advice from the group - concerning whether or not I should consider this individual a threat to my communities and/or if I am over-reacting to this incident. A little background.....

I lease a server and have about 30 sites on it - about 6 of those have vBulletin communities with one, an online store that the individual makes a good sum of money on, and the rest just personal websites and such. I have closed off all unused ports, have a firewall installed to prevent access to the server from a lot of third-world countries are considered a "hacker's paradise", and basically take the normal precautions that most of us do to keep the server and the sites running happily along.

Into the picture we have an individual that has shown a distinct hatred toward me and has gone through great lengths to personally assault my character in private and in public - with his latest public words being he "hates me with a passion". This individual also is becoming "web savvy" (being somewhat of a newbie webmaster himself) and also, runs a vBulletin community.

I would like to get your input on whether you feel this individual would pose a threat in regards to the security of my web server and sites. Having access to the latest upgrades, security bulletins, ect. put out by vBulletin - I feel gives this individual some very keen knowledge on exploits and vulnerabilities of the software. I also feel that if not now, in the not-too-distant future, he could very well start his newly acquired internet knowledge towards the "black art" of hacking (denial of service attacks, ect.). It's just in his nature to belittle those who do not share his "unique vision" of life... OK, he's a pompous ass to people like me who don't agree 110% with his views. LOL Seriously, we've had our fair share of disagreements, but I've let them all slide... until his last outburst came out of the blue. I honestly did or said nothing to provoke his anger this last time - he just felt the need to come at me with his insults and the public admittance of hatred. I feel this is a big escalation of hostilities - and one which I have acted upon as being a threat. I have since added his IP addresses to my server's firewall to totally prevent his access to my server in an attempt to rid myself of any potential threat to it.

My question to you is quite simple - would you take similar if not the same precautions to protect what you have worked hard for? Or am I over-reacting to a situation that would be considered commonplace and no need for concern.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and incite.
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Old 04-05-2006, 01:15 AM
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My question to you is quite simple - would you take similar if not the same precautions to protect what you have worked hard for?
You can consult with your hosting provider to tighten your server security, change all your server passwords (ftp, root, mysql, vbulletin etc. etc.)

Or am I over-reacting to a situation that would be considered commonplace and no need for concern.
Personally i should say you are little over-reacting on the situation.

For an example.... if would say, "I am going to hack Vbulletin.org if I am not made an administrator here... or not given access to Coders Forum will Xenon care for it ? lol...

Why not check this forum www.theadminzone.com a great resource for forum administrators you will come across similar problems faced by others
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Old 04-05-2006, 01:48 AM
sn8k sn8k is offline
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Originally Posted by SaN-DeeP
You can consult with your hosting provider to tighten your server security, change all your server passwords (ftp, root, mysql, vbulletin etc. etc.)

Personally i should say you are little over-reacting on the situation.

For an example.... if would say, "I am going to hack Vbulletin.org if I am not made an administrator here... or not given access to Coders Forum will Xenon care for it ? lol...

Why not check this forum www.theadminzone.com a great resource for forum administrators you will come across similar problems faced by others
Thanks for the reply SaN-DeeP

I actually run all my own security on the server... or more precisy, have a very long-time close firend that sets up all this stuff for me and keeps me on my toes (we share resorses - he backs up his server on mine and visa versa. Resetting the passwords and all isn't really an issue - I have very secure passwords and rotate them every month (never use the same one twice) and always use a secure connection when accesseing the server. As they say, rather safe then sorry

Having had his server hacked before, and his forums "tainted" by a similar individual (not the hacker though) - he feels I am justified in doing what I have, I mean, would do you actually wait until the dude announces in pubic that he's gonna take you down before you act? (a very dubious venture - the guy is a hothead, but he ain't an idiot. LOL)

I see what you are saying though - and why the reason for this post to begin with. A little bit of an over-reation - well, I have a great deal at stake and have seen first hand what a hacker can do, the lost time, hard work, and havoc these guys can do is simply horrific. Having literally 1000's of people depending on me running a tight ship - I kinda feel that is a LOT at stake for the sake of one hothead's free access.

Thanks for the link bro - I think I'll have to check that site out this weekend when I have some free time to play
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