I have a folder that contains web pages in php, these pages, generate results based on sql statements. These can change depending on what $_POST variables are passed to it.
PHP Code:
<table width="800" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td>Dark and Light Auction House ></td>
<td> </td>
<table width="800" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td><table width="600" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td width="286"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="274"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="3"><hr /></td>
<td colspan="3"><div align="center">
<? if ($userdetails["align"] == 0)
{ ?>
<a href="modules.php?name=auction&file=auctionhouse">Enter the "Dark" Auction House </a>
<? } else { ?>
<a href="modules.php?name=auction&file=auctionhouse">Enter the "Light" Auction House </a>
<? } //end if ?>
<td colspan="3"><hr /></td>
$sql_count_items = mysql_query("select * from auction_items");
$count_items = mysql_num_rows($sql_count_items);
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td colspan="2"><div align="center">Number of "<strong>Dark"</strong> Items for Sale </div></td>
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td>
<td width="67%">Melee Weapons </td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_weapon where `item_type` = '1' AND `align` = '0'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td width="33%"><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
<td>Ranged Weapons </td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_weapon where `item_type` = '2' AND `align` = '0'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_shield where `item_type` = '1' AND `align` = '0'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_potions Where `align` = '0'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
for ($x = 1;$x <= $count_items;$x++) {
$sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item where `item_type` = '" . $x . "' AND `align` = '0'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);
$sql_itemname = mysql_query("select * from auction_items where `id` = '" . $x . "'");
$itemname = mysql_fetch_array($sql_itemname);
<td><? echo $itemname["item_name"]; ?></td>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
} // end for
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
</table> </td>
<td> </td>
$sql_count_items = mysql_query("select * from auction_items");
$count_items = mysql_num_rows($sql_count_items);
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td colspan="2"><div align="center">Number of <strong> "Light</strong>" Items for Sale </div></td>
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td>
<td width="67%">Melee Weapons </td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_weapon where `item_type` = '1' AND `align` = '1'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td width="33%"><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
<td>Ranged Weapons </td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_weapon where `item_type` = '2' AND `align` = '1'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_shield where `item_type` = '1' AND `align` = '1'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
<? $sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item_potions Where `align` = '1'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);?>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
for ($x = 1;$x <= $count_items;$x++) {
$sql_count = mysql_query("select * from auction_item where `item_type` = '" . $x . "' AND `align` = '1'");
$itemcount = mysql_num_rows($sql_count);
$sql_itemname = mysql_query("select * from auction_items where `id` = '" . $x . "'");
$itemname = mysql_fetch_array($sql_itemname);
<td><? echo $itemname["item_name"]; ?></td>
<td><div align="right"><? echo $itemcount; ?> </div></td>
} // end for
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
</table> </td>
This simple pages generates a two table list of how many items of each type are in a database.
Can I point vbulletin to this file and show it whithout having to break it up into a VB file and templates.
I have created an index.php file
PHP Code:
// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'test'); // change this depending on your filename
// ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
// get special phrase groups
$phrasegroups = array(
// get special data templates from the datastore
$specialtemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by specific actions
$actiontemplates = array(
// ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
// #######################################################################
// ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// #######################################################################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'yes')
$HTML = include("../auction/auction_index.php");
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'no')
$HTML = "no";
$navbits = array();
$navbits[$parent] = 'Test Page';
$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('GENERIC_SHELL') . '");');
As you can see its uses the Generic_shell, I have added a Do = yes and no. Yes points to the include, But when you run it , the include is put at the top of the page.
Am I missing something, a hook or something.
Update :
I was given this response and was wondering if anyone knew where to find it. ?
a) I believe Erwin released a hack on vb.org that pulls the content from other php scripts via a php get contents command and displays it on a vb templated page.