I was in my little dreamworld. La la la upgrading to 3.5 is gonna be a snap. WRONG. So many things got changed they should have called this vB 4.0. So now I am sitting here at 2:25 am trying to get things up and going before tommorow morning. Hacks? Oh yes, excuse me, plugins and extensions.They can wait for now. Just a small rant while these avatars I'm trying to save upload.
lol it was over right after i posted it. i was just cranky because it was 2:30 am. all is almost well now. lost all my profile pics in the upgrade but thats no biggie. a friend of mine had to start from scratch and impex so i consider myself lucky. installing plugins and extension as i type.
Really?? I wonder why. I had no issues with the upgrade, and I actually never ever have with vBulletin. But good thing you're past them now.
But now you will have future upgrades without having to re-install most modifications. haha. I think upgrading my board now takes.. 10 minutes? And that includes uploading the files.
lol it was over right after i posted it. i was just cranky because it was 2:30 am. all is almost well now. lost all my profile pics in the upgrade but thats no biggie.
wasn't it actually that vB3.5 was backend and 4.0 will be frontend?
Maybe; don't remember.
I just can't wait until v3.6; that's when users get stuff (since it seems v3.5 was more for administration), if I remember what one of the developers said correctly.
Yeah I found out after the fact. The only way i was able to save the AV's was by exporting to the file system in the old version i luckily still had up. The profile pics didn't fare so well.