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Old 12-18-2005, 04:21 PM
Bluestrike2 Bluestrike2 is offline
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Default www.mlgpwncast.com/

The MLG PwnCast

  • Site is completely powered by vBulletin
  • vBadvanced CMPS
  • Video Directory powered by vBa Links
  • Arcade with over 400 Games
  • pwnSpace version .5 (waiting for vBSpace )
  • pwnJournals Blogging system
  • Much, much more!
  • Register today Just joking!

Any and all comments are extremely appreciated - we go live on Friday the 30th! Thanks!
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Old 12-18-2005, 05:03 PM
kobescoresagain kobescoresagain is offline
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You have an image in the top left corner that doesn't show up on my screen, I don't think it is supposed to be there at all, because it is shifting the graphics done so they don't meet. I also noticed that some of the images that you had in the corner were taken from other stuff, some of them had text inside of them, which made them kinda look crapy. I also noticed that you had the user information on the top of the posts, I think alot of people perfer it on hte side instead of the top, you may consider changing this. It helps with scrolling difficulties. Also your "Thread Tools, Search this Thread, Display modes" seem to not match the skin you have.

That is all I really see.
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Old 12-18-2005, 05:51 PM
Bluestrike2 Bluestrike2 is offline
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Originally Posted by kobescoresagain
1)You have an image in the top left corner that doesn't show up on my screen, I don't think it is supposed to be there at all, because it is shifting the graphics done so they don't meet. 2) I also noticed that some of the images that you had in the corner were taken from other stuff, some of them had text inside of them, which made them kinda look crapy. 3) I also noticed that you had the user information on the top of the posts, I think alot of people perfer it on hte side instead of the top, you may consider changing this. It helps with scrolling difficulties. Also your 4) "Thread Tools, Search this Thread, Display modes" seem to not match the skin you have.

That is all I really see.
1) Top Left Corner: It appears for me on Firefox and Safari. What browser are you using? Is this pretty much the image you're talking about,(there are about 8 of these, they're randomized) or can you already see it:

2) By the corner I assume you mean the orbs that indicate status? Whenver I log out it seems to turn into the regular lock style for General Discussion. Do you have any ideas on what I can do here? If you mean the orb then they're all from the games Major League Gaming (MLG) currently plays (Halo 2/Super Smash Bros. Melee) and I just have to get the rest of 'em uploaded. I'll fix the text in the one Halo 2 one. Oops. Thanks.

3)True - but its personal preference/style in our opinion. If the original style's legacy view didn't look so damn ugly we'd stick with it. However, we'll consider the change but the IM icons/warning bar doesn't appear properly then (you have to be logged in to view the warning bar) and it "overflowed" if that makes sense. Will try to fix it however.

4)That's got me really pissed off. I've contacted CinVin about it. Do you have any ideas on how I can fix that? It happens to the top bar as well for Journals.

I appreciate your criticism - in fact I really appreciate it. Its why I posted it here in the first place. I'll post back here once its done. Thank you!

Fixed all but number 4 - still waiting for response from CinVin (but it IS a Sunday so I don't expect one till tommorrow).

I pretty much got most of those fixed except number 4. I also installed vBadvanced. Check it out here: http://www.mlgpwncast.com/forums/cmps_index.php. Looks pretty cool and I can't wait till I get everything else fixed.

Thanks for your criticism.
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Old 12-19-2005, 01:41 AM
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For #4, I've changed the backgrounds from using the "vbmenu_control" class to instead use the "tcat" class so that they are the same blue background as the rest of row. The colors were designed to be different on purpose so that the button cells stood out.

If there is anything else I can help out with, just update your ticket over at CinVin and I'll do what I can.
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Old 12-19-2005, 04:39 AM
kobescoresagain kobescoresagain is offline
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On One it was showing up a red X in the top left corner on IE, but it isn't there now, It was causing the image in the top left to shift down.

On 2 I am not sure how you can do that.

On 3, yes it is somewhat perference, but if you have a real popular forum you will find out fast that it makes it harder to navigate large threads because it shows up in between the messages. It is your choice, but I have found that it just makes scrolling easier with legacy.

On 4, I would talk to the Skin provider, I would think that for some reason the new ones didn't get either prodivided or copied over. That would cause it to show up in the orginal style
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Old 12-19-2005, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by kobescoresagain
On 4, I would talk to the Skin provider....
See my response above. Those cells were purposely done in a different color so that they stand out so changing them to have the same blue background as the rest of the row was just a matter of changing the CSS class they were using.
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Old 12-19-2005, 07:39 PM
Bluestrike2 Bluestrike2 is offline
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I appreciate all of your help Kevin! CinVin did an awesome job.
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Old 12-19-2005, 09:48 PM
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It's a good start - I like the header. :up:

- remove the blue "box" background - it ruins the flow of the interface
- preload all the random sphere image(s)

- 2 login panels on portal page ... which one should I use?
- remove the arcade (LOL ... I know you won't remove it but it is sooo misleading ... such a huge interface. For what--6 games? I just wasted 1 minute of my life going thru all categories!! How many people do you think will do the same thing. AHHHHHH .... LOL)
- what is "vbb lite"?
- The top 5 THE MLG PWNCAST menu options lead to the same place --- the FORUM.
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Old 12-21-2005, 01:16 AM
Bluestrike2 Bluestrike2 is offline
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princeton you caught me with my pants down while changing some stuff

- remove the blue "box" background - it ruins the flow of the interfaceI honestly don't know how I'd go about that - its a template from CinVin. I assume that you mean underneath the logo, correct? If so, I've tried by trying to change it to match the orb, but to no avail. I can't get the gradients/color shifts of the orb images to match behind the logo. Do you really consider it that big of a problem?
- preload all the random sphere image(s)They're randomized when you reload the page its not just while you're there (I don't know how I'd be able to do that other than flash).

- 2 login panels on portal page ... which one should I use? Fixed
- remove the arcade (LOL ... I know you won't remove it but it is sooo misleading ... such a huge interface. For what--6 games? I just wasted 1 minute of my life going thru all categories!! How many people do you think will do the same thing. AHHHHHH .... LOL) Once v3 arcade gets going it should be pretty cool - should I just remove it from the header? Or completely?
- what is "vbb lite"? The Archive - Removed. If people have to think about what it means then its no good there.
- The top 5 THE MLG PWNCAST menu options lead to the same place --- the FORUM. Fixed while I was changing some stuff over.

Thank you so much! Also, according to here I can get the CMPS left column onto the rest of my pages. Do you feel that I should try it for the sake of consistency? We really don't want to go public with any holes so if you wanna tear us a new one on anything go ahead.

I've since added a Geek Article and Review system to give me more control over the articles/guides as well. Also, those were some *excellent* articles in your signature - any ideas on what I might have missed the boat for (outside views are really, really helpful ). Any other suggestions?

Right now I'm trying to see what can be done about the blue horizontal bar. Thanks everyone for all your help!

Can you guys also list for me some of the strengths? For me, I honestly think its the template - amazing is the only word to describe it. We actually ditched our old site design because of it and went with the vBa CMPS system . It seems like almost all gaming sites are dark and grungy. Luckily, we've shyed away from that (however, our original design was just that).
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Old 12-21-2005, 12:06 PM
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I agree most of the gaming sites are to dark. What makes it bad is that most of these sites have small print - small print on dark background just doesn't work.

If you can ... I suggest a fixed width (800px resolution) layout. Fixed-width layout displays faster than liquid layouts when done correctly. Also, the black background would make the layout stand out more.

yes, I do think the left column should be displayed throughout all your pages -- it'll just make life easier for all your members

you may want to modify the login table to display everything on 1 row (instead of 2 rows)

when NOT logged in ... I see this message "Welcome to [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] forums." in your WELCOME panel.

regarding the logo,
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