Version: 1.00, by Zzed
Developer Last Online: Feb 2012
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 03-18-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 11
No support by the author.
This hack is another alternative to banning a user. As the name suggests a user who
gets hit with this hack will be deprived from a lot of the general board features.
So here is what really happens to a starved user:
- Every graphic image on the board will be replaces with a red X icon.
- They don't have access to the search engine.
- They have a 10x flood control time
- They are only allowed to post 20 characters per post (the 20 charcters is
inclusive of the post title.)
- They can not see avatars in posts
- They can not display their signature
- Their user options is set to 0
This hack is another one of my sadistic hacks on my board.
The hack allows you to make your user starved via the admin CP (In the Edit User
screen). It also allows you to search for all starved users through the admin CP
as well.
Also in showthread.php, it appends a red status that is only visibly to admins
and mods stating that a user is starved.
Tables affected by this hack: user
Files affected by this hack: global.php, showthread.php, newthread.php, newreply.php, admin/user.php, admin/functions.php
There is also a new icon that needs to be placed in the images directory: images/redx.gif
while ($var=$DB_site->fetch_array($vars)) {
if ($var['findword']!="") {
I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.
Today at 01:34 AM -Sidekick- said this in Post #32
I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.
Today at 01:49 PM S.Shady said this in Post #34 this sould be installed here and sould be used on the creator of this hack while hes offline. Muhahahahaha
* S.Shady clicks the download link not install button yet
LOL @ S.Shady
I always use myself as a guinea pig for all my hacks.
Sorry to bump this, but im having a problem with this hack on my new board...
I have everything installed properly, but when i change the option to "yes" in ADMIN CP, and save changes, the option reverts back to "NO", and the user isn't starved
06-25-03 at 09:34 AM -Sidekick- said this in Post #32
PHP Code:
while ($var=$DB_site->fetch_array($vars)) {
if ($var['findword']!="") {
I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.
while ($var=$DB_site->fetch_array($vars)) {
if ($var['findword']!="") {
I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.