Version: 1.00, by N9ne
Developer Last Online: Jul 2019
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 03-22-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 37
No support by the author.
Licensed Users System
- by N9ne, March 23rd 2003
- Copyright N9ne 2003+
What does this hack do? - It adds a licensed user system to your forum.
- Extra user field: 'licensed'
- Admins can select YES or NO for 'licensed' in AdminCP for Users
- Usergroup page: Extra table, showing # of licensed and unlicensed users
- AdminCP: Search by licensed or unlicensed users
- AdminCP Options: Text for 'licensed' and 'unlicensed' users
- Shown in getinfo and postbit
- AdminCP Option: Which usergroupid's can view license status of users?
- Set usergroupids separating with a comma in AdminCP Options
- Six options added under new category in each forum's options:
- 'Unlicensed Users Options' (Licensed users use default options):
- Can view forum?
- Can post new threads?
- Can download attachments?
- Can reply to own & others' threads?
- Can view others' threads?
- Can search forum?
- Hack can easily be integrated into other systems
- Customizable error messages when unlicensed user is denied access
- Customization available through templates
- Searching for users in AdminCP: Can show licensed status in results
Created in 2.3.0 // Should work in 2.2.x and 2.3.x
- 6 Queries to Run
- 5 Templates to Add
- 2 Templates to Modify
- Loads of file edits!
Change Log
1.01: 30th March 2003: Query fix. [vBulletin Main Options]
INSERT INTO settinggroup (settinggroupid,title,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,'Licensed Users Options','62');
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,62,'Which usergroups can view license status?','licenseusergroup','6','In this field, enter the usergroupids of the usergroups which you want to allow to view the license status of users on the forum. Separate each usergroup id with a comma (ie. 5,6,7)','','1');
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,62,'Text for licensed member?','licensedtext','Licensed','You may use HTML.','','2');
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,62,'Text for unlicensed member?','licensednottext','Unlicensed','You may use HTML.','','3');
These queries, as you can see the number 62 in each, that's the setting group id. Make sure that the settinggroup you've got's id is the same as in the queries you run to add the settings.
Today at 10:57 AM squawell said this in Post #42 N9ne is this can do if user is unlicensed user in main page will show some text tell them they r unlicensed right now...just like here.....
I don't quite understand your you mean you want to show, on forumhome (index.php), whether the user is licensed or unlicensed?
So you want it, so you can place, in your forumhome template, the variable, say $licensedtext and if the user is licensed, it says 'licensed' or if the user is unlicensed, it says 'unlicensed' ? Or do you want it so it only displays 'unlicensed' for unlicensed users, and that's it?
Today at 02:55 AM N9ne said this in Post #47 Ok squawell, I will write up the code for what you want, I will have it posted up in a few hours by the earliest though..
Ok squawell, here's the addon, sorry it's a bit late:
Licensed Users System Addon: Forumhome: If user is unlicensed, show unlicensed word.
Open index.php
PHP Code:
} else {
Below it, add:
PHP Code:
if (!$bbuserinfo['licensed']) {
Save index.php
Now, in your forumhome template, add $licensedword anywhere you want. If the user is unlicensed, it will show the text you entered in your adminCP options for unlicensed users. If the user is licensed, it will show nothing.