I pretty much walk everywhere these days. Don't really have any reason to drive. Just recently moved and there are a dozen restaurants, 2 supermarkets, Staples, Walmart and half a dozen other large stores and about 20 smaller stores within half a mile of my door. For entertainment there are 2 movie theaters totaling 34 screens, an indoor hockey stadium and a baseball stadium within the same distance. There are a couple of parks within about a mile as well.
I am out of town quite a ways so I have to drive, I own an '06 BMW 325i. My wife was kind enough to clean the wheels for me as you can see
OMFG, I want a BMW M3 so bad.
If it's not personal, how much do you pay a month? Cause 2 years from now. I'll be trading my Corolla so I can use the money to use it for down payment.