Version: , by cyberhypnotic
Developer Last Online: Sep 2006
Version: Unknown
Released: 01-22-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
Seems as though my members are not moving up to the next round sometimes.
Before I had players not moving from 1st round up to 2nd round. Now They seem to be not moving from 2nd round to 3rd round (finals).
Aslo, if member1 beats member2, member1 goes above member3 and member4 in the next round.
Here's what it looks like (click to enlarge, of course):
As you can see in the 1st round, jessicajoanne moved above cyberhypnotic's 1st match when she won and I moved above hers when I won. Then moxdevil won the 2nd round and moved above jessicajoanne and cyberhypnotic's 2nd match.
Also, jessicajoanne won the 2nd round, but it won't move her up.
Any suggestions?
One last thing, is the tournament fixed to be playable on IE?
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Mines doing the same thing on the ladder rather it be a 2,4,8 player tourney some work fine others don't seems to be a hit and miss like right now I have 19 tourneys some 2,4,8 I have 1, 2 player tourney showing has played has scored and like no info then I have three 4 player ones that are like that 2 messed up first level other ones did not allow the player to play second level..and my 8 ppl tourneys I have only gotten 1 that worked and submitted with a crown..
It seems to be a hit and miss deal with computing something..not sure will subscribe in hopes of a fix..
I wanted to add i know its being worked on but tonight when going through to delete some of the tourneys that went bad I noticed something..every tourney thats not completing and spazing out shows the user it stalls on added twice not sure if this helps for example my dizzy tourney stalled and it shows this
Edit Tournament
No user was found for some of the UserIDs entered or you entered the same ID more than once.
MamaShea replace
LM50538 replace
gavinsmom replace
RobynLynn replace
MamaShea replace
Notice how mamashea is added twice did the same thing on all bad tourneys some user is in their twice..and I did not add them twice anyway thought this info might help figure this bug out..I know on some its suppose to do this but its doing it on some when the user has not even played yet like the tourney above mamasheas has the has played 3has played best result: its not giving her a play button or how many she has played anyway not sure if it helps but thought I would add it incase..