Thanks, that fixed that, but for some reason, it's not picking up usernames from the member names. If I have guest access turned off, it says I don't have access to that page... And not to nitpick, but graphics are missing?... I must've screwed up somewhere...
It's not pulling the username when they're going into the chat. Sets everyone as guest. Any ideas?
Odd. any non-alpha numeric characters are filterd out, anyone who would have a number in the begining of their name will be filtered out. so if there name comes down to somthing the IRC server doesnt like it assigns them a random nick.
Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nintenc/public_html/f/chat/index.php on line 39
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nintenc/public_html/f/chat/index.php on line 39
When I remove the period on line 39 I then get a blank page when I load my /chat/index.php page
For the peepz that have "failed to open...." errors, just do what MrWee said above, add ".." as your chdir in the index.php.
Nwo i'm gonna read this thread, all 18 pages... aaargh.... cause i hate how it uses some old crap vb beta nacbar in the chat Want to make it use MY navbar and default layout.
But the chat itself works great... thanks for the nice and oh so easy hack!
The boards logo and navbar dropdown images ain't showing since my admin cp says all images are in the image dir
What this hack does is look in the /chat/image dir for the pics, which ain't there ofcourse since they are in /image.
Further i tried to use my own header/footer/navbar instead of the vbxirc_ ones but that didn't work (no idea why $header instead of $vbirc_header doesn't work though).So i finally copied all header, footer and navbar templates into the vbxirc ones (eeeew that is so awefull, hard copying templates into other templates ) and it seems to work, partly. The navbar menu's show behind the xirc screen making them kinda useless.
Also all navbar links error since it keeps looking in /chat/ for them (for example, my usercp link in the chatnavbar links to /chat/usercp which is obviously wrong)
Finally a small request. If i log in from another place, and my home pc running mirc has the nick BarBeQue, which is also my board nick, then ofcourse the nick BarBeQue is already in use. So it defaults back to a Guest_??? nick. Would it be possible to default back to BarBeQue_??? instead (i rather have some number added to my nick then have a Guest nick)?
The boards logo and navbar dropdown images ain't showing since my admin cp says all images are in the image dir
What this hack does is look in the /chat/image dir for the pics, which ain't there ofcourse since they are in /image.
In the $header template you need to find <img src="$stylevar[titleimage]
Insert $vboptions[bburl]/ immediately after <img src=" Do the same for the navbar dropdown link.