Want to create your very own vBulletin powered page which includes the header, footer, and the user permissions system as well?
Well now you can
Want to know how it will look? Take a look at the attached screenshot below!
Now includes the Who's Online modification! Also, instructions included on how to create your own pages that are integrated with current vBulletin files!
I'm going to give you a generic page but you can easily modify the contents of the page by changing the template
So here we go
Create a new file, whatever you want to call it (let's say test.php).
Open up test.php and add the following (replace TEST with whatever template you want to show):
PHP Code:
// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ########################### error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS ####################### define('NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS', 1); define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'test'); // change this depending on your filename
// ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ###################### // get special phrase groups $phrasegroups = array(
// get special data templates from the datastore $specialtemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by all actions $globaltemplates = array( 'TEST', );
// pre-cache templates used by specific actions $actiontemplates = array(
Be sure to change 'TEST' to the actual template name, and change 'test' to the filename. Also, change 'Test Page' to whatever you want to show in the navbar, such as 'Viewing Member Profile' (just an example).
Now create the template, called TEST with the following content:
Replace 'xxx' with whatever you want ?do= in the query string to be (for example, replace 'xxx' with 'showprofile' so then someone would type in example.php?do=showprofile to view this template.) Then of course, change TEMPLATE_XXX to your template name, it's that simple!
Now why doesn't that surprise me? That seems to be the norm around here.
Wow thanks for following me around and saying these types of things as you please
Anyways, what do you mean Zachery? That I copied your tutorial..? I never even knew you released one (to add to that, I never even seen you around here before )
For 'tutorials' such as generic as this one, I don't think that there is really any proprietorship for anyone since it can be displayed in many forms; I haven't seen yours but I bet that mine is at least noticeably different from yours.
Wow thanks for following me around and saying these types of things as you please
Then be original. 90% of the hacks you have released for vB3 have been someone else's. I mean, look at your sig. You're working on vBWar for vB3? Have you even checked with Dark_Wizard to see if he minds?
Then be original. 90% of the hacks you have released for vB3 have been someone else's. I mean, look at your sig. You're working on vBWar for vB3? Have you even checked with Dark_Wizard to see if he minds?
Actually, for your information, I am working with Dark_Wizard on vBWar v3. We are in a partnership for this. Have you even taken a look at the vBWar site yet? ( http://vbwar.dpclan.us/forums/showgroups.php? )
Ok, 89%, then. Maybe you ought to put Helping with vBWar then, It is his hack.
Well I am working on vBWar for vB3, we are practically re-building it from the ground up. Him and I are the developers of vBWar for vB3, and yes he knows that I know that he has put more time into it than I have, but mainly because I joined him only after he already had many of the things working, if not completely 100%. Anyways, this would be between me and him, and truly, it doesn't really matter what it says in my signature in my opinion, it's the final product that counts
Not even close. He still couldn't do an original hack if he had to. He has to partner with someone who has a hack that IS original. You figure out the math.
Come on guys, regardless that this is original or not, he still took the time to come up with this, and you gotta give him credit for that. this guy put in everything in a test page including headers and such, I found that very helpful.
So is this a hack or just a debate over who is stealing what from who? Either way, it's a vb.org staff issue, so if there is a problem click here.
^ amen.. too many hacks/threads/hackers have been spoiled over pointless public accusations. if there's a problem, report it to the staff and leave it at that