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How to create your own vBulletin-powered page! (uses vB templates)
1 Attachment(s)
Want to create your very own vBulletin powered page which includes the header, footer, and the user permissions system as well?
Well now you can :D Want to know how it will look? Take a look at the attached screenshot below! :) Now includes the Who's Online modification! :) Also, instructions included on how to create your own pages that are integrated with current vBulletin files! :D I'm going to give you a generic page but you can easily modify the contents of the page by changing the template ;) So here we go :) Instructions: Create a new file, whatever you want to call it (let's say test.php). Open up test.php and add the following (replace TEST with whatever template you want to show): PHP Code:
Now create the template, called TEST with the following content: HTML Code:
$stylevar[htmldoctype] Now check it out by going to test.php ;) Who's Online Modification Now if you want to show who is browsing this new page of yours, just open up includes/functions_online.php and find: PHP Code:
PHP Code:
Then find: PHP Code:
PHP Code:
---------------------------------- Also if you want to create your own pages 'within' current vBulletin files, do the following: Open the file you want, and then right before the final ?> in the source code, add the following: PHP Code:
edit by Lynne: If running 3.8.4 or above, see this post to take care of the PHP 5.3.0-related problems - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=1171 |
very cool
also, would it be hard to pass the members username/id into this page? (sorry if thats an easy question) |
This is great! I assume the template standard condtionals will work here?
What's the best way to use this on a non-vb page? |
Installed, works marvelously! Thank YOU SO MUCH!
SVT. I believe that as long as global is called via the files, the conditionals will work.
Try it yourself - install this hack and you'll see the user/pass login part at the top :) Also if guests are not allowed to view your forums, then they can't view these new pages you create, etc. :) |
Wow Gary, great thing considering this is my tutorial :P
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Template Usage:
Phrase Groups Available:
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