This hack will stay beta until I find it totally complete to be a full release.
And when it will become a release it would surely be the last version.
This hack allows you to had a page where you could put the list of a things with
a status. Each item can be updated.
It could be really useful for example if you'd like to show your member the hacks
you have installed on the board, their status and a brief description, or for example
to list some objecs you have. It coul also be used to list server and to show their status.
I know this hack is not coded like some would like it but it's my coding way so
if you don't like just don't take it !
The status which is a dropdown contains 5 fields and for the moment you can't add or remove one (sorry but it will come)
News since the first version:
- The link to add an item is shown only to the allowed members
- Their is now a new input field in case people who add items want to put a link
- The dropdown status condition are now stored when they are changed so that people
can see the past status of the item.
- I had try to do the design a little bit more easy to personnalize but I know it is
really really what you should expect
To-Do list:
- Change the design of the History of the past conditions so that it looks more
- Code a system of graph of how many times each condition has been used
- Change the way the date are done so that it takes automatically the actual one without
the need to enter it
- Try to use the database to store the history rather than files
- Optionnal: Something to let people put attachments (asked by a member here)
- Possibility to add or remove some of the field in the dropdown box
Enjoy =)
I forget something: go in the template headinclude and put at the end:
function PopupCentrer(page,largeur,hauteur,options) {
var top=(screen.height-hauteur)/2;
var left=(screen.width-largeur)/2;,"","top="+top+",left="+left+",wid th="+largeur+",height="+hauteur+","+options);
For those who have already installed the beta 1.0 you need to add a field called links in the table condtiontrail in your database, type varcahr(50). And to upload all the files , but only the edittrail and th e addtrail need to be changed)
For all suggestions, bug, request of new feature or problem mail-me at
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Hi, I liked this one and will see if I can use it.
I dont understand that body template though... it messes up my header and the background color in the header is white...
Can you add code so that people can attach a file? Like so the name of trail would become the download / link.. Not sure how big a job that is.
Thank you for a nice hack.
it is basically a news boradcast - u know like a "conditions updater" or "weather update"
you know now radio stations get people to call in if they see an accident or something?
Well, this is like that, except you post what you are reporting and it keeps a record for all to see - very easy to understand if you think about it for a min.
Now, ineed to think of how i could use it, just cause it is such a cool hack!