Version: 1.00, by Dr.osamA
Developer Last Online: Oct 2015
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 4.0.8
Released: 11-22-2010
Last Update: Never
Installs: 4
Template Edits
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
No more IE (Internet Explorer)
First, I apologize for my bad English
What's this?
This addition was achieved and detect , type of browser used by the visitor and informing him that the browser makes a change if the type of Internet Explorer,
plzz look at attachments in IE and FF
How to install ?
First, we downloaded the file attachment, and then raise the contents of the photos to the dir vb/images
then open template header and copy paste this code in top of it
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
if(navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
document.writeln("<div id=\"alra7ba1\"><center><img src=\"/vb/images/41.gif\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" alt=\"\" /><font color=\"#FF0000\"> Thank you very much because you do not use the <del>Internet Explorer</del> </font></center></div>");
}else if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
document.writeln("<div id=\"alra7ba1\"><center><img src=\"/vb/images/14.gif\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" alt=\"\" /> <font color=\"#FF0000\">This is very unfortunate because you are using <del>Internet Explorer</del>,it is best to try <a href=\"\">FireFox</a></font></center></div>");
note: if you have your forum as VB or forum or anything else you havf to change dir " /vb/images/41.gif " to your one
then open template additional.css and in end of it paste this code
the second Code is optional if you like, Is in the corner ,A picture and hide the link below to the subject against the Internet Explorer and replace it with a link located in the code
I think, its better to allow all browser types, and not only Firefox. But, this is your party
you can use the code as you like bro ... you can add there all browser types , it is Re-usable Code
Originally Posted by Kraxell
Where do you found this picture? I search another one like that.
Easy to make this image in photoshop, my friend
Originally Posted by basilrath
not sure if im getting why this is good for a board
To alert members to stop the use of browser Explorer and start use browsers more compatibility with Release VB 4.x.x
As in Facebook and other most Famous sites
I edited the code a bit to match my forums though. And I made it so the message only shows up when a user is using Internet Explorer. Check out the attached screenshot.
If anyone wants the code, here it is:
Note: I also attached the image I am using in my code. Put "attention.png" in *vbroot*/images . You may use it any way you like.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
document.writeln("<div id=\"alra7ba1\"><center><img src=\"/images/attention.png\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" alt=\"\" /> <font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Attention</b>: This site does not support <del>Internet Explorer</del>,TTG runs best with <a href=\"\">FireFox</a></font></center></div>");
Change the RED text to your liking.
#alra7ba1 {
color : #FFFFFF;
width : 550px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ; /* Added Opacity to the background */
border: 2px solid rgba(69, 63, 63, 0.5); /* Added Opacity to the border to match background */
border-radius: 4px; /* Added a radius to the border for rounded corners */
right:410px; /* You may need to adjust this to get it centered */
z-index: 1;
#alra7ba1 a:hover {
color: #FFFFFF; /* Added a hover color to the FireFox Link - It was Black */