V3arcade......free release but can pay to add more...then should it be blocked from here by being a commercial hack? Why the *Blep* would you even consider removing this? I say its a load of bull and you should ust let them release it. Last i checked, VBSpace was free.
I'm not sure that I can do that right now because our system *may* be considered a commercial product which is why the thread was removed. I don't want to post a public link and get banned or disrespect vbulletin. If i'm cleared to, I will.
I think this would be a GREAT idea. That way, people could see WHY making this site into a network is such a good idea.
One idea for if they DO have a vB Space lite: PLEASE allow for upgrades to the full thing in due time, with exports of profiles and the like. That way, the main thing can still grow in size.
I for one am in DISagreement about making a premium version. Make a version for individual forums, but I like the centralized community, and I like the idea about a free version. Just a fraction of the main thing should be fine for most forums, since a lot of the features about the program are just things that replicate vBulletin things. If you do release the full thing for forums, make it free.
Was the thread removed because it was a commerical product? (If so fair enough).
Also, there's talk abuot the profiles not actually being hosted on the sites own server...? but they just re-direct to this hack authors own servers? If so thats crap! I'd never allow anything like that on my site - I'd rather pay a coder to do a custom job than send traffic to someone else.
Thats what i thought.So,after all the work done on the hack by coders it is wrong for them to receive some compensation?Isnt vbulletin a commercial product?Arent these forums used to promote a commercial product and byproducts of that?I dont see a whole lot of difference between posting a paypal button and being compensated in the manner you mentioned d1414.Hmmm,is it possibly that the powers that be dont want their product used to earn a dime unless they get broke off themselves?I dont know really.I just dont see why this has now turned into some sorta money thing.Guess thats what it usually boils down to.
No, vBulletin.org is about free code and not for people to advertise their commerical endevours.
Thats what i thought.So,after all the work done on the hack by coders it is wrong for them to receive some compensation?Isnt vbulletin a commercial product?Arent these forums used to promote a commercial product and byproducts of that?I dont see a whole lot of difference between posting a paypal button and being compensated in the manner you mentioned d1414.Hmmm,is it possibly that the powers that be dont want their product used to earn a dime unless they get broke off themselves?I dont know really.I just dont see why this has now turned into some sorta money thing.Guess thats what it usually boils down to.
There is nothing at all wrong with people receiving compensation and vBulletin doesn't begrudge anyone a penny they can make by creating commercial mods. In fact, when we're asked by potential customers if specific features exist, or if a third party application exists, we have no problem in referring them to commercial mods that meet their needs, and we don't make a penny from the referral. We also have no problems in referring people to the sites we know of that develop commercial styles. Again, we don't receive a penny for this.
The fact of the matter, as stated before, is that they were using this board to develop and recruit testers for a commercial modification. This is a violation of both the spirit and the rules of these boards. You can accept that or not, it still won't change the facts.
Please quit trying to paint Jelsoft as some corporation that cares about money and nothing else. Everyone who has dealt with us knows differently.