Version: 1.00, by cerjam
Developer Last Online: Oct 2007
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 05-18-2006
Last Update: 05-18-2006
Installs: 5
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
I couldent find anything like this, even if it is so simple, anywhere on here so i decided to make it myself..
Checks IP of moderator or administrator before allowing access to mod/admincp or editing threads.
Requires mods to functions_login.php,postings.php,inlinemod.php, txt file named ippool.txt in forum root directory,apparse.php uploaded to forum root,ipauth.php uploaded to forum root.
Instructions for install: attachments adminprotection.php and edit the variables to their correct settings.
3.upload ipauth.php,apparse.php,adminprotection.php,ippool. txt to forum root
// admin control panel or upgrade script login
if ($logintype === 'cplogin')
in includes/functions_login.php and add under
//admin protection
include 'adminprotection.php';
//end admin protection
5. find..
if ($logintype === 'modcplogin')
and add below
//admin protection
include 'adminprotection.php';
//end admin protection
6. find..
switch ($_REQUEST['do'])
case 'openclosethread':
case 'dodeletethread':
case 'dodeleteposts':
case 'domovethread':
case 'updatethread':
case 'domergethread':
case 'dosplitthread':
case 'stick':
case 'removeredirect':
case 'deletethread':
case 'deleteposts':
case 'movethread':
case 'editthread':
case 'mergethread':
case 'splitthread':
in posting.php(located in forum root) and add above..
//admin protection
include 'adminprotection.php';
//end admin protection
7. find..
switch ($_POST['do'])
case 'open':
case 'close':
case 'stick':
case 'unstick':
case 'deletethread':
case 'undeletethread':
case 'approvethread':
case 'unapprovethread':
case 'movethread':
case 'mergethread':
in 'inlinemod.php' in forumroot, add
//admin protection
include 'adminprotection.php';
//end admin protection
in between the
switch ($_POST['do'])
case 'open':
case 'close':
case 'stick':
case 'unstick':
8. CHMOD apparse and adminprotection.php to 777
9. visit and enter your ip and click submit
10. repeat for all admins/moderators on your forum
11. you're finished!
*note this hack does not work with a dynamic ip yet, i plan to add it later on.
Future Mods:
Switch to MySQL table,Support for DSL/dialup IPs,Save to database on all unauthorized logins
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I suppose you have never tried to login at more tham one PC. HMM not sure this is such a good Idea. Unless you have a static IP this is not good.
That is common sense and i'm really tired of hearing people complain and moan about the usage of modifications. This is not simply directed towards you mholtum. Time and time again, when someone creates a piece of work someone always has to come out of their hole and try to make a claim as to why the modification "is not good or should not be used". I'm pretty sure if people wanted to use their admincp at other terminals they would make intelligent arragements to do so. It's a code, we shoulden't have to hear debates about why people shoulden't add this or that to their community because of unpractacality or your take on various ethical issuues.
I'm not coming back into this thread so don't waist your time.
That is common sense and i'm really tired of hearing people complain and moan about the usage of modifications. This is not simply directed towards you mholtum. Time and time again, when someone creates a piece of work someone always has to come out of their hole and try to make a claim as to why the modification "is not good or should not be used". I'm pretty sure if people wanted to use their admincp at other terminals they would make intelligent arragements to do so. It's a code, we shoulden't have to hear debates about why people shoulden't add this or that to their community because of unpractacality or your take on various ethical issuues.
I'm not coming back into this thread so don't waist your time.