Version: , by Kier
Developer Last Online: May 2011
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 03-14-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 7
No support by the author.
Updated to Version 2.0 16-3-2001
(v2 includes bug fixes and full avatar support)
This is a complete rewrite of my super-moderators listing hack for Me2Be...
This new version shows all members of the Administrators, Super-Moderators and Moderators groups. Note that moderators do not have to be placed in a new usergroup for this hack to work.
Users have their online status and location displayed, along with a PM link. Moderators also have the forums they moderate displayed. There is an option in the script to enable avatar support.
Installation is almost completely automatic, through an install script (supplied). Upload showmods.php to your forums directory, and install_showmods.php to your forums/admin folder.
If you want to disable avatars, open the showmods.php script and set $showavatars to "no". (If you have disabled avatars in the control panel, they will not be shown anyway).
Then run the install script (admin/install_showmods.php) each time you upgrade your board to a new version of vbulletin, in order to add the necessary templates to the master template set.
You should run the install script if you are upgrading from the previous version too, it will perform the necessary steps to upgrade the global templates.
You can then add a link to "showmods.php?s=$session[sessionhash]" to any of your other templates.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Any thoughts on the hidden forums thing ? I've agreed to put a list of admins and moderators together for our site, and really want to use this hack, but i've got to do it soon, so I might end up doing it by hand! Of course, if it's not possible to amend this hack to suit, i'll start working now...
Craig, you could always just take the forums out of the templates. I know that's not ideal.... Seems that some of the "include" code that's used for pulling posts on a main page has something that checks the forums for specific forums...probably could be modified to work with this, but I'm not even to the stage in PHP where I could do that. Maybe someone else could.
Yeah, I thought of that, but one of our hidden forums has a moderator who does not moderate any of the public forums... would cause huge confusion! Thanks anyway
This might be a bit too much of a pain, but what if you have that moderator in his own usergroup (with all the mod privledges), so he wouldn't show in the listing?
Originally posted by Zothip
Parse error: parse error in /home/zothip2/squadpage-www/forums/showmods.php on line 30
This might be a bit too much of a pain, but what if you have that moderator in his own usergroup (with all the mod privledges), so he wouldn't show in the listing?
Sadly not... good idea, tried it... but it doesn't work - I don't think this script uses the usergroup structure to determine who's a moderator