Hopefully it will be useful, let me know what you think.
I've updated the template to include some statusicons for the forumhome area. You can see them at the same demo link as before and the download link's the same too. If you would prefer to upgrade the template manually (I made a couple of CSS & template changes) then instructions are available here.
Update #2
You can now download FreshBlue for vB 3.6 - see this thread for details and to download.
IceBurn, looking at your forum, the problem is that you have content above the navbar. Since the navbar is already negatively positioned in the design in order to fit nicely into the curved corners, things are getting messed up. I would suggest you put the welcome headers stuff underneath the navbar if at all possible.
That said, you can use my fix, I assure you. Might need some different numbers, though. Firstly, I looked at your CSS - you have the 'Fix navbar pop-up menus' in there twice. Most likely once in each of the additional CSS definitions boxes. Delete them both. Once you've done that you have a base and can find the correct negative margins through trial and error. The problem with doing this when you have text content above the navbar (and therefore drop down menus) is that if that text size is increased, your navbar will move down but the menus won't, so there could be some positioning problems.
(is it me or is vB.org a bit dead server-wise atm?)
My bad.. i had gotten distracted while applying the update. All working now! Thanks!
Dom have set this so you can see it on my site now. Need to change the template at the bottom
Ah ok, well the reason these aren't working properly is that my 'fix' only applies to the standard menus, ie the search and quick links menus. Also as you've also modified the navbar quite a bit we may need some different margin numbers to get the positioning right. Not a problem though. What I'd suggest you try first is to add the extra menu navbars to CSS 'fix', with this code (replace the old one):
The second problem is that your iTrader dropdown doesn't seem to be loading at all. I've checked, and this is because it doesn't exist. The menu should be starting with the code:
But that just isn't in the markup, for whatever reason. So to make it appear, you need to add the menu content into the markup somewhere. There's more info on doing that here.
Sorry should have said I knew some didnt work not all info added in for the Itrader. Tried the fix you suggested but unfortunately didnt make any difference.
The fix definitely does make a difference as I tested it myself to be sure.
I've uploaded the test file I used. Most of the images are broken as it apparently saved oddly, but you can see that the extras menu behaves as it should. http://www.vaya.ws/misc/mumzonetmp/
I haven't changed the HTML at all there, that's just the CSS change I gave in my previous post.
Very strange, I did a fresh install and put the exact code in you said, and its still not coming up in the same place as yours! Ive just played around and seem to have it in the right place now though thanks.