Version: 1.00, by adamgessel
Developer Last Online: Aug 2007
Version: 3.5.0 RC3
Released: 09-09-2005
Last Update: 09-09-2005
Installs: 57
No support by the author.
This is nothing too big, I just thought it might help some people out so I'm putting it up here.
You can see exactly what I did at:
If someone is logged in on your board, but they are on a non-vb page, this will display their username, amount of PMs (and if they have more than 0 it will be bold), and an option to logout (properly, using their logout hash so that it does it the first time), and has a couple more options. What I've done in mine is added two extra usergroups, Premium and Platinum, and if they are either of those then it tells them what usergroup they are in. In the install file, there are two different steps to take, one to install that part and one to not. So, if you have two usergroups that are premium and platinum accounts that people pay for, this will work good for you. You can of course add more premium usergroups easily. Otherwise, just install the other step and it will still work good . The code is simple, but I recommend knowing how vbulletin works before installing it. You will need to change some things in the code, but I think that it's worth it if you need something like this. This doesn't edit any code in vbulletin.
Alright. Im using PHP Includes. and When I add that Script ontop of my page. It changes the Directory. well.. when I add the Includes for the Global files it changes the directory for my Includes for the real directory obviously. :-/ Is thier anyway around this? can I use the script and Not have it screw up my Includes?
THis is my PHP code I have. I even tried using Smettys Code or whatevers..
PHP Code:
//Change chdir to fit where your forum is.
$real_path = realpath("index.php");
$real_path = dirname($real_path);
if(!isset($_GET['page'])) {
$page = 'news';
} else {
$page = $_GET['page'];
I think $5 is quite reasonable to fix YOUR inability to read directions.
As for all these "Unable to add cookies" errors people are recieving, try adding the chdir at the TOP of the lot.. not below your index.php includes (which no doubt will include <html> ref and thus ending the header portion of the PHP code.)
This was clearly stated in the installation directions.
Apart from that I installed this and it worked from the get-go. That is until I disabled the forums.. In which case the page was taken over by global.php's $warning. Which states the forums are disabled.
removing the chdir will stop the login script from working.. at all.. If you want to change the dir back try:
After having a bit of a toy around with it i solved the inactive board problem.
I havnt even bothered looking into the disabled user yet but i thought i would post what ive got in case anybody was interested or having a similar problem.
I created a file called forumcheck.php which i simply include at the top of my formatpage (header.php) like so.
PHP Code:
<?php include("forumcheck.php"); ?>
The contents of forumcheck.php (some details removed).
PHP Code:
$curdir = getcwd();
include("$curdir/blah.php"); //just my dbase login details etc.
@mysql_select_db(your_dbase) or die("Unable to select database");
$query="select * from `vb3_setting` where `varname` like 'bbactive'";
if(mysql_result($result,0,"value") == 1) {
$config["forum"]["active"] = 1;
else { $config["forum"]["active"] = 0; }
and lastly the display.
PHP Code:
if($config["forum"]["active"] == 1) { include("login_inc.php"); }
elseif($config["forum"]["active"] == 0) { print("<font color=#666666><b>Forums are currently disabled.</b></font>"); }
Hope that something here has helped somebody... =)