I was not around here years ago, so I can't reflect on how things were back then compared to now. But here is what I thinks going wrong to some degree from my own experience.
Some people are still running vB 3.0 boards and have not chosen to upgrade to vB 3.5. Or maybe there running two boards using (vB 3.0 and vB 3.5).
Because of this - people are still looking for support answers for vB 3.0 hacks. But it seems very few authors now who created these vB 3.0 hacks are willing to support them anymore with the introduction of vB 3.5. So there are problems arising because of that for starters.
Another thing I see quite often is plenty of hacks being released for vB 3.5 with little backup in some cases. As soon as the hacks released there advertising it as un-supported right from the off. This is problematic because later down the line people are finding bugs as expected and the hack is not supported. Other coders seem un-willing in most cases to help support these hacks they didn't create (which is understandable for a few good reasons).
For example, they might be working on there own hacks and don't have the time to help support another persons hack. Or maybe they feel the author should have added support it in the first place better and don't feel it's there place to step in and take over.
These are just a few things I've taken notice off. And with the possible new category being created were people can sell hacks. My guess is most good coders are gearing up now for this to happen, concentrating on creating paid hacks for the future. And are now slightly more un-willing to support free hacks like they may have done before.
I must admit I do get frustrated sometimes when I see a good sounding hack released, then read the whole thread before choosing to install, only to find people asking for fixes (which are un-answered). This puts me off installing the hack. And personally, I think we see this same situation all to often.