As far as attitude goes, you have to remember that a lot of the staff here were chosen based on their background in coding. I am not trying to be mean, but coders in general are not the most customer service oriented people.
Saying a particular group of people are not customer service oriented because they are a coder or an engineer is a poor excuse and it irrates me any time I hear it. I'm a network engineer and even though I don't have to deal with customers very much I'm still customer service oriented because it's just common courtesy. And my statement is just about this statement in general.
Saying a particular group of people are not customer service oriented because they are a coder or an engineer is a poor excuse and it irrates me any time I hear it. I'm a network engineer and even though I don't have to deal with customers very much I'm still customer service oriented because it's just common courtesy. And my statement is just about this statement in general.
I am sure you are and dont let that general statement get to you. It is a general statement and does not apply to every coder. In most proffessional environments a lot of coders are being thrusted into a more direct customer communication environment. The liaisons that once existed are being phased out.
My brother was a top ten programmer for Intel and just wrapped up some work with Rasmus Lerdorf. He is now working for Google. Thinking of him having to do what other mods here do is insane to me. The guy hardly leaves his room and to talk to him is like talking to a robot. He represents the extreme old school coders. I dont think anyone here is like that, but their are still certain aspects of that lifestyle that are present.
Originally Posted by Boofo
I, for one, was not chosen on my coding ability. I made sure of that before I even thought of accepting the position.
... my visits here are less frequent due to the "atmosphere" lately. Some changes are needed. I hope with the new "database" system there will be new faces. I'm not saying that current staff is poor ... it's just that there's not enough of them around.
There are only a handful of staff (actually less) that are always around. These are the people that BUILD They should be surrounded with people with the same dedication.
Not long ago, one of the best staff members was promoted to vBulletin Staff. He deserves that title. He's helped many just by being here; just by "moderating"; just by being positive; and he loves to show his work. It's a shame we see less of him here; but, life goes on.
Perhaps a staff reshuffle is needed.
- some people should be downgraded (perhaps a "Visiting Mod" title)
- while others should be dropped (Why keep them if they are no longer active or "moderating"? Life goes on ... things change ... pass the baton to someone else.)
With that said, it's staff responsibility to watch what they and others say. It's their job to promote a POSITIVE atmosphere.
- Ignore it if you do not have nothing positive to say; someone will come along and post the appropriate answer
- Merge the thread with another
- Add a link to other threads so that people could see that it has been discussed previously.
- There will always be duplicates.
- There will always be people that ignore the SEARCH feature.
- Text is not a good way to communicate -- no emotions. eg. A message that was meant to be just a "I was only pointing out the facts" could be construed in a "negative" way. Which it was; and will each time someone reads it.
I couldn't agree with you anymore. This is the EXACT reason why my activity has droped dramiticly. I had a problem with one moderator and reported it to JelSoft some time ago. The additudes in a couple of the staff members here really need to change and lighten up. This site used to be fun some time ago, that sadly has not been the case here for awhile.
Steve Machol is the Jelsoft Support Manager. He isn't losing his position here.
There is a difference between being an active moderator and being a member of Jelsoft staff. He is not an active moderator.
Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Rose is Inactive... Assassingod is listed as "Retired".
Retired / inactive - is there a difference ?
Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Andreas is here regularly, I have seen him lurking. I have seen Colin around as well.
Please re-read my post. I never said they weren't here, I said they were less active, and that this site must now be a second priority for them.
Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
This site is not lacking in staff and they are actively pursuing things. Since people are NOSY and need to know where the volunteers are... They have lives, they are volunteers. They are not slaves to this community.
Nice - insult anyone who asks questions.
Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
The problem with running a site dedicated to Forum Admins is everyone wants to be in charge.
Who said they wanted to be in charge ? I'm sure it's no secret that I offered to be a moderator the last time an opportunity arose - but clearly my outspoken views do not suit those in charge, so I don't think anyone needs to worry.
There is a difference between being an active moderator and being a member of Jelsoft staff. He is not an active moderator.
to add weight to that, i feel all because someone visits doesn't mean they're active, active in my opinion is posting, whether it's helping out with support, helping in the help forums or even just posting int he lounge. but of course they should have a visible presence in any forum they're assigned to.