Version: 3.2, by Revan
Developer Last Online: Jun 2014
Version: 3.5.0
Released: 06-21-2005
Last Update: 09-30-2005
Installs: 115
DB Changes
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Soft Deleted Archive v3.2
If you have a forum where you disallow your Moderators to Hard Delete posts, you might want to look over exactly what posts they have deleted, in case of disputes between staff and members. But running a huge forum with hundreds of threads, this task can get tiring.
This is where the Soft Deleted Archive comes in handy!
Seperate threads and posts
Name and link to forum of the thread/post
Username that posted the post
Username that deleted the post
Reason for deletion, if any were inputted
Date of thread/post deletion
For threads, link that takes you directly to the thread in question
For posts, link that takes you directly to the post in question, for manual managing
Limit the number of total entries to show per page
Ability to choose Sorting Order (Ascending or Descending)
Flagging Threads and Posts seperately
Fully phrased
Ability to Hard Delete selected threads/posts
Ability to Restore selected threads/posts
NO Code Modifications needed!
More efficient forum counter rebuilding.
Screenshots attached.
Install instructions:
Click install (you want your precious support, don't you?).
Upload the files.
Import the Product XML file through your ACP.
Additional Credits:
The revised cpnav_softdel.xml is thanks to Oblivion Knight.
The product-soft_deleted_archive.xml is thanks to mtha.
If you use this mod, Click it!
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Thanks, Ill look that over ASAP
I am unable to test this new archive due to a SQL error in vBulletin 3.5.0 which is preventing me from deleting posts. I will check it out when I am provided with a fix.
Originally Posted by eclectica
This is helpful to keep track of all the soft deleted threads and posts. I also uploaded the file softdeladmin.php into the modcp, in addition to the admincp, so that the moderators would be able to view all soft deleted threads and posts on the forum as well.
Good idea, I didn't do this by default because on my forums, I dislike the idea of my moderators Hard Deleting anything. And what with there being no ways of limiting SMod permissions yet...
Originally Posted by eclectica
The "flag" button seems to have the same function as "undelete" so I'm not sure what its purpose is.
I can't remember there being a "Flag" button, but I will test it out when I can test out the new softdeladmin.php from the above post.
Originally Posted by eclectica
I think the text Here, you can view an index of all the posts/threads that you or your moderators have "Soft Deleted". should be changed to Here, you can view an index of all the posts/threads that have been "Soft Deleted". because it also includes soft deleted posts by regular members.
Agreed, Im changing this in the product XML now. Thanks for pointing this out
I see now that the flag button is used in conjunction with the other buttons, to either hard delete or to undelete. I was confused by the terminology when I first saw it. I also noticed that if the flag button is checked by itself with neither hard delete or undelete selected, it choses undelete by default so that when submitted, the flagged post is undeleted.
I just discovered that uploading the file softdeladmin.php into the modcp does not make the file work for moderators due to lack of admin permissions, though it still works for administrators in that folder.
I just discovered that uploading the file softdeladmin.php into the modcp does not make the file work for moderators due to lack of admin permissions, though it still works for administrators in that folder.
Im pretty sure you could just remove the whole permissions check and make it work, though that would make it work for EVERY moderator, not just select ones.
Im gonna look over that new file and update this asap, just need to finish a paid job first.